




(Applicable to applicants of 2020-21 Academic Year)

Dr. Ti-Hua KOO and Mrs. Dorothy KOO has set up admission scholarship to award local undergraduates. Regulations governing the award of the scholarship are detailed below:


Name of the Award

The Scholarship will be named “Ti Hua KOO and Dorothy VEE KOO Admission Scholarship for local students” and in Chinese「顧鐵華費肇芬伉儷本地生入學獎學金 」


Number and Value:

There will be 12 non-renewable scholarships of which 6 awards of full-tuition (HK$42,100) and 6 awards of half-tuition (HK$21,050) to be awarded per annum. The total amount is HK$378,900 per annum.


Selection Criteria:

To be eligible for the Scholarship, candidates should

  • Be full-time Year 1 local undergraduates.
  • Choose Lee Woo Sing College to be the first choice in College affiliation,
  • Have serving community mindset and some record of community service experience,
  • Have acceptable academic result at entrance such as 25 marks or above in the best 5 subjects at Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education or 34 marks or above in International Baccalaureate, and
  • Come from financially disadvantaged background

Administrative Procedures

  • The Scholarship is open for application or the College may nominate suitable candidates based on the above selection criteria;
  • All applications and nominations will be sent to the Scholarships and Bursaries Committee of the College for consideration;
  • The scholarship recipients may be required to meet with the donor to share their learning experiences at CUHK;
  • The scholarship recipients must attend the scholarship presentation ceremony unless under some unforeseeable or uncontrollable circumstances approved by the College, or else the scholarship will be given to the first alternate; and
  • The Scholarship will be administered by the College Office of Lee Woo Sing College in accordance with the above regulations.


Dr. Ti-Hua KOO and Mrs. Dorothy KOO has set up admission scholarship to award non-local undergraduates who are admitted from Mainland China, Taiwan and Macau. Regulations governing the award of the scholarship are detailed below:

Name of the Award

The Scholarship will be named “Ti Hua KOO and Dorothy VEE KOO Admission Scholarship for students from Mainland China, Taiwan and Macau” and in Chinese「顧鐵華費肇芬伉儷入學獎學金 – 中國大陸、台灣及澳門地區的新生」

Number and Value:

There will be five non-renewable scholarships of HK$40,000 each to be awarded per annum. The total amount is HK$200,000 per annum.

Selection Criteria:

To be eligible for the Scholarship, candidates should

  • Be a full-time Year 1 non-local undergraduate from Mainland China, Taiwan and Macau.
  • Commit to be affiliated to Lee Woo Sing College and choose Lee Woo Sing College to be the first choice in College affiliation,
  • Have serving community mindset and some community service experience.
  • Have an acceptable academic result,
  • Come from financially disadvantaged background, and

Administrative Procedures

  • Candidates are nominated by Office of Admissions and Financial Aid (OAFA)
  • All nominations will be sent to the Scholarships and Bursaries Committee of the College for consideration;
  • The scholarship recipients may be required to meet with the donor to share their learning experiences at CUHK;
  • The scholarship recipients must attend the scholarship presentation ceremony unless under some unforeseeable or uncontrollable circumstances approved by the College, or else the scholarship will be given to the first alternate; and
  • The Scholarship will be administered by the College Office of Lee Woo Sing College in accordance with the above regulations.


About Ti Hua KOO and Dorothy VEE KOO Traditional Arts & Culture Admission Scholarship

Dr. Ti-Hua KOO and Mrs. Dorothy KOO has set up admission scholarship to award local undergraduates who has demonstrated excellence in traditional arts and culture upon admission. There will be two non-renewable scholarships, covering the first year half tuition fee (HK$21,050 as of 2019/20) to be awarded each year from 2019/20-2023/24, for consecutive five years.



To be eligible for the Scholarship, candidates should:

  • Be a local full-time Year 1 undergraduate student;
  • Commit to be affiliated to Lee Woo Sing College and choose Lee Woo Sing College to be the first choice in College affiliation;
  • Have good academic results at entrance such as Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education or any other public examinations accepted by Office of Admissions and Financial Aid of The Chinese University of Hong Kong; and
  • Demonstrated outstanding performance or made contribution to the promotion of traditional arts & culture (preference will be given to Chinese operatic arts).

Points to Note

  • The Scholarship is open for application or the College may nominate suitable candidates based on the above selection criteria;
  • All applications and nominations will be sent to the Scholarships and Bursaries Committee of the College for consideration;
  • The recipients have to help promotion and organization of College activities on Chinese culture, such as Kunqu and Peking Opera;
  • The scholarship recipients may be required to meet with the donor to share their learning experiences at CUHK;
  • The scholarship recipients must attend the scholarship presentation ceremony or else the scholarship will be given to the first alternate.


Application will be accepted in late August to September each year. For inquiries, please contact College Office (email: wscollege@cuhk.edu.hk)








  • 以和声书院为首选书
  • 需于中学校内及香港中学文凭取得优良成绩(非大学联合招生系统入学之学生需附合入学及学生资助处要求才可申请)
  • 具有才能或在音乐﹑绿色生活﹑社会服务等课外活动上有出色表现


  • 奖学金以公开形式接受申请,由和声书院奖助学金委员会考虑及甄选。 
  • 获奖学生或须与捐款人会面,分享其于中大学习的点滴。
  • 奖学金由和声书院院务室依照以上规章管理及执行。

ECA Education慷慨捐助予和声书院成立ECA Education杰出运动员入学奖学金,旨在表扬学生运动员的杰出成就并支持他们的学业需要,让他们在中大学习同时,能够继续在运动方面一展所长。奖学金由2019-20年度开始颁发。




奖助学金定名为「ECA Education杰出运动员入学奖学金」,英文名称为 “ECA Education Outstanding Athlete Admission Scholarship”。







  • 需为全日制一年级本科生
  • 以和声书院为首选书院
  • 于本地或国际体育活动中获得优秀表现
  • 能为和声书院院队或书院体育活动作出贡献


  • 奖学金以公开形式接受申请,书院亦可根据上述甄选准则推荐合适同学。
  • 所有提名将交和声书院奖助学金委员会考虑及甄选。
  • 获奖学生或须与捐款人会面,分享其于中大的学习经历。
  • 杰出领导才能奖由和声书院院务室依照以上规章管理及执行。


  • 书院将通知学生有关奖学金申请日期及报名方法等事项。
  • 请根据报名表上指示提供全部所需要的文件。
  • 部份奖学金申请接受学院或书院成员推荐,如属推荐,申请时请附上由学院或书院成员填写的推荐信,有关推荐信样式,请按此下载。
  • 申请将交由和声书院奖助学金委员会考虑。