COVID-19 Measures 新冠病毒預防措施



Students’ health and wellbeing are our concerns in high priority. Therefore, a working group consists of hostel management and student representatives reviewed the present situation of hostel residence, student movement and current preventive measures on 30th Dec 2020. Concerning the health of students and the community and high occupancy rate of hostel, strict campus control and preventive measures has to be implemented in Term 2 (from 11th Jan 2021 onwards) as essential infection control measures. The measures may cause inconvenience to students, however, provide better protection of the hostel community as a whole. The measures will be reviewed by the end of March. We hope students can understand the rationale of the temporary measures and maintain good record of zero case on campus together. Details of the revised measures are listed below for your information.

  • All residents shall agree to be abided by the Student Hostel Regulations. The full version of the Regulations can be read and downloaded at;
  • Residents are allocated with single-occupancy double room during Special Residence as a preventive measures of COVID-19 outbreak. Students are expected to stay in their room for study and living with themselves only and not to have any forms of gathering in their bedrooms;
  • Strict “no visitor policy” is implemented – only residents approved to stay for Special Residence can enter hostel areas (areas where gate access are required) while personal hygiene and social distancing should be always practiced. Non-residents and visitors are not allowed to enter hostel areas. Students violating the “no visitor policy” will be subject to penalties; Persons and students going to College Office for official business are allowed short period access during office hours after health screening and registration at G/F counter;
  • While on campus, students should avoid social gathering – all common rooms are remain closed, except computer room (opening hours adjusted from 8am-11pm daily) and courtyard are still open for students’ use. Non-residents may use the seating areas in lobby, courtyard, LG1 corridors and canteen. Student associations may book the two seminar rooms on LG1 for meetings with a maximum capacity of 15 persons via the existing booking mechanism (to be abided by the COVID-19 preventive measures as listed on the booking form);
  • Due to the “no visitor policy” arrangements, all residents entering the campus must register their sign in/out record at the G/F counter. Entrance/ exit via unauthorized access are not allowed and will lead to disciplinary actions;
  • Body temperature checking and hand sanitizer spraying are required for all persons entering campus at entrance. The College will refuse entry for persons with body temperature higher than 37.6 degree Celsius;
  • We have increased frequency of cleaning and disinfecting on campus, however, students are always encouraged to wash hand frequently, avoid touching eyes/nose/mouth with your hands. It is a requirement to wear a face mask on campus (except in students’ own bedrooms);
  • If students are feeling unwell (especially with symptoms of fever, cough and vomiting), they must notify any duty hostel personnel immediately and inform them travel histories. They should go to UHS clinic, in-town clinics or hospitals for medical treatment and then inform the College of the diagnosis results for College’s follow up and implement of emergency procedures (if any).

For latest information and announcement regarding COVID-19 preventive measures on CUHK campus, please visit “Act together against COVID-19” website ( If you have any questions about the above arrangements, please send us a Facebook inbox message for quicker response.


The following COVID-19 preventive measures and guidelines regarding Special Residence and campus arrangements have been implemented from Term 1, 2020/21 until further notice. Students should note the following arrangements for both entering campus and living on-campus.

  • All residents shall agree to be abided by the Student Hostel Regulations upon (application and) move-in. The full version of the Regulations can be read and downloaded at;
  • Strict “no visitor policy” is implemented during Special Residence period – only residents approved to stay for Special Residence can stay on residential floors. Non-residents can stay on common areas (except on hostel floors) only during visiting hours (8:00am-11:30pm) while personal hygiene and social distancing should be always practiced. All other visitors and guests are not allowed to enter hostel. Students violating the “no visitor policy” will subject to penalties; Due to the “no visitor” arrangements, all students entering the campus must register their sign in/out record at the G/F counter. Entrance/ exit via unauthorized access are not allowed and may lead to disciplinary actions;
  • Students are allocated with single-occupancy double room during Special Residence as a preventive measures of COID-19 outbreak. We expect students to stay in their room for study and living with themselves only and not to have any forms of gathering in their bedrooms;
  • While on campus, please avoid social and meal gathering – all common rooms are remain closed. Although some common areas such as TV lobbies, computer room, courtyard and 2/F Reading Corner are still open for students’ use, we encourage no large group social gathering and meal gathering there;
  • We have increased frequency of cleaning and disinfecting on campus, however, you are always encourage to wash hand frequently, avoid touching eyes/nose/mouth with your hands. It is a requirement to wear a face mask on campus;
  • If you are feeling unwell (especially with symptoms of fever, cough and vomiting), you must notify the any duty hostel personnel immediately and inform them travel histories. You should go to UHS clinic, in-town clinics or hospitals for medical treatment and then inform the College of the diagnosis results for College’s follow up and implement of emergency procedures (if any).

For latest information and announcement regarding COVID-19 preventive measures on CUHK campus, please visit “Act together against COVID-19” website ( If you have any questions about the above arrangements, please send us a Facebook inbox message for quicker response. Thank you and wish you healthy.


As you may aware, there was a confirmed COVID-19 case reported in Adam Schall Residence, United College (University announcement about the case: The College have discussed with student representatives for several ways to strengthen COVID-19 preventive measures on campus last night. The followings are related to all students while note to residential students has been sent to them in a separate mail.

We would like to emphasize on the strict “no visitor policy” – only residents approved to stay for summer residence can stay on residential floors. Other College students (non-residents) can stay on common areas (except on hostel floors) only during visiting hours (8:00am-11:30pm) while personal hygiene and social distancing should be always practiced. All other visitors and guests are not allowed to enter hostel. Students violating the “no visitor policy” will subject to penalties. While on campus, please avoid social and meal gathering – all common rooms are remain closed. Although some common areas such as pantries, TV lobby and 2/F Reading Corner are still open for students’ use, we encourage no large group social gathering and meal gathering there. We have increased frequency of cleaning and disinfecting on campus, however, you are always encourage to wash hand frequently, avoid touching eyes/nose/mouth with your hands. It is a requirement to wear a face mask on campus.

For latest information and announcement regarding COVID-19 preventive measures on CUHK campus, please visit “Act together against COVID-19” website ( If you have any questions about the above arrangements, please send us a Facebook inbox message for quicker response.
