College Signature

At Lee Woo Sing College, we aim at developing leaders for Hong Kong, the mainland and the world.

A good leader should be objective, knowledgeable, insightful and receptive to different views.

We also emphasize on promoting the spirit of ‘Harmony’, being kind to people and handling things with moderation, which is a decisive factor for building up a successful career and leading a productive and rewarding life. Students will be encouraged to be thankful and contribute to their alma mater and the community.


The College emblem mainly consists of three ancient Chinese characters – people, mountain and harmony.
The royal blue and gold colors represent nobility and elegance.

People (人)

Nurturing leaders for Hong Kong, the mainland and the world

Mountain (山)

Aligning itself seamlessly with the surrounding woods and nature

Harmony (和)

Emphasizing harmony, tolerance and fraternity


to provide students with pastoral care and whole-person education, including general education;


to broaden the outlook of students and to help them acquire an international perspective through the College’s formal and non-formal education programmes;


to foster a warm and collegial community where students and academic staff learn, share and grow intellectually;


to cultivate among students a commitment to personal and social responsibility as well as integrity, which will lay the foundations for contributions to society and for an enriching life in the future;


to help broaden students’ understanding of and liaison with Hong Kong, the mainland and the world, so as to enable them to build up a successful career in the future, and to encourage students to contribute to their alma mater


The College motto was derived from The Rites of Zhou, one of three ancient ritual texts listed among the Confucian classics.

The first two moral principles emphasize the pursuing of knowledge and the nurturing of character; while the last two focus on learning the right attitude in conducting oneself in society.


Pursuing knowledge, with the spirit of exploration


Being considerate, aspiring to the perfect personality


Being loyal to others, with a sense of responsibility


Being kind to people, handling things with moderation


Lee Woo Sing College is proud to have Prof. Jao Tsung-I to inscribe the Chinese characters of ‘Woo Sing College’, as the College’s unique and precious signature.


Prof. Jao Tsung-I, born in Chaoan county, Guangdong, is a worldrenowned scholar who has attained remarkable achievements in Chinese and Oriental studies as well as arts and culture. He is currently Wei Lun Honorary Professor of Fine Arts and Emeritus Professor of Chinese Language and Literature at CUHK.


As an erudite scholar, Professor Jao’s expertise in history, archaeology, literature, Chinese studies, classics and Oriental studies has gained him worldwide admiration. Renowned in the field of arts and culture, he is proficient in poetry, calligraphy and paintings.


Professor Jao’s inscription shows a strong personality, unique, yet with the dynamics of beauty. He has also applied musical rhythm and harmony to his calligraphy. Our College’s distinctive vision, ‘Harmony’ and ‘Leadership’, are thoroughly embodied by this signature.



Prof. Jao Tsung-I

Song of Harmony

Songwriter: Mr. Peter KAM Pui Tat, MH  Lyric by: Mr. Peter KWOK Ka Chun




