Prof. CHUI Tsz Yeung Harold 崔子揚教授

Dear Woo Singers, Hope you had a great start of the term! As most classes are still conducted online, I would like to share with you some of my thoughts and observations. I taught two zoom classes this week. One where most students turned on the camera and another where most had the camera turned […]

Financial Aid 經濟援助

(Application Period: 18 January 2021 (9am) – 31 January 2021 (1145pm)) 7 awards of HK$20,000 each are available to full-time undergraduate students who are the children of Hong Kong Disciplined Services. Eligibility To be eligible, the candidates should: –     be full-time undergraduate students; –     be the children of the following Hong Kong Disciplined Services (serving,

Call for Application: CUHK Scholarship for Children of the Disciplined Services 2020/21Read More »

Dr. Sarah LUK 陸秀霞博士

Dear Woo Singers, “Me” Merry Christmas 聖誕節往往代表奇蹟將臨,這個聖誕節前夕,我閱讀了一年級同學的Me Project,每一個Me Project就好像一顆顆耀眼閃爍的小星星掛在聖誕樹上,發出小小光芒。一年級同學的Me Project只做自己可以及喜歡的小事情,沒有高估自己的能力,也沒有小看自己。例如為家人煮飯、獨自遠足、重拾運動樂趣、改變生活習慣及畫一隻貓等。這些都是平實有趣的Project,沒有嘩眾取寵,不需模仿別人,也不用比較高底,按着自己的步伐踏實的走出去,不計較理想遠大還是微少,就在自己的角落發揮光芒。或許我們不再期望聖誕節的奇蹟,因為它就在每一天踏實的一小步裡。祝願聖誕快樂,期待你有層出不窮的”ME PROJECT” 。 “Me” Merry Christmas Christmas often reminds us of the amazing and miraculous things in life. While this Christmas is drawing near, I spend long hours reading the “Me Project” reports written by our first-year students. These projects are like stars aggregated on a

#15 WS Teacher’s MessageRead More »

Prof. CHUI Tsz Yeung Harold 崔子揚教授

Dear students, “Being human is not about being any one particular way; it is about being as life creates you―with your own particular strengths and weaknesses, gifts and challenges, quirks and oddities.” Kristin Neff Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself During this time of the year, you may be hurrying to finish

#14 WS Teacher’s MessageRead More »

Financial Aid 經濟援助

During the tough period of the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the College set up a designated “WS People Fund – COVID-19 Student Bursary Support” to provide financial assistance to students and their family affected by COVID-19. Subject to the review by the Scholarships and Bursaries Committee, an amount ranging from $5,000 to $10,000 would

Call for Application: WS People Fund – COVID-19 Student Bursary SupportRead More »

Prof. Harold CHUI 崔子揚教授

Dear Woo Singers, Autumn is here and the weather is great for outdoor activities. I had a chance to hike and watch the sunset recently. The grandness of nature reminds me that I am just one mini, tiny part of the universe. When we get caught up at work or in our relationships, we become

#8 Autumn is Here!Read More »