Dear Woo Singers, “Me” Merry Christmas 聖誕節往往代表奇蹟將臨,這個聖誕節前夕,我閱讀了一年級同學的Me Project,每一個Me Project就好像一顆顆耀眼閃爍的小星星掛在聖誕樹上,發出小小光芒。一年級同學的Me Project只做自己可以及喜歡的小事情,沒有高估自己的能力,也沒有小看自己。例如為家人煮飯、獨自遠足、重拾運動樂趣、改變生活習慣及畫一隻貓等。這些都是平實有趣的Project,沒有嘩眾取寵,不需模仿別人,也不用比較高底,按着自己的步伐踏實的走出去,不計較理想遠大還是微少,就在自己的角落發揮光芒。或許我們不再期望聖誕節的奇蹟,因為它就在每一天踏實的一小步裡。祝願聖誕快樂,期待你有層出不窮的”ME PROJECT” 。 “Me” Merry Christmas Christmas often reminds us of the amazing and miraculous things in life. While this Christmas is drawing near, I spend long hours reading the “Me Project” reports written by our first-year students. These projects are like stars aggregated on a […]
Category: DoS Message
Dear students, “Being human is not about being any one particular way; it is about being as life creates you―with your own particular strengths and weaknesses, gifts and challenges, quirks and oddities.” Kristin Neff Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself During this time of the year, you may be hurrying to finish
Dear Woo Singers, A belated but very warm welcome to Lee Woo Sing College! You must have studied very hard in the past few years with a clear objective to enter the University. Now, you are successfully admitted to one of the top Universities in the world. Congratulations! But does it mean that you have
Second Home During the graduation ceremony last week, our master invites the graduating Woo Singer to take the college as their second “home”. At that moment, I was thinking what would it be like to be a second “home”? Then a few lines of lyrics in the song “North” by Sleep At Last (YouTube Link
Dear members of the LWS community, Time flies! I feel like I blinked, and the fall term has nearly come to an end. It has been a busy, productive and fun term, despite all the challenges that we face due to the COVID pandemic. We were able to do some teaching sessions in person, although
Dear Woo Singers, Imagine there’s no accompaniment in life The most familiar piece of cello music by Johann Sebastian Bach, the unaccompanied cello suite was actually written in 1720 but was only revealed to the world 170 years later in 1890. The world was astonished by the premiere of the suite as no one was
Dear Woo Singer, The year 2020 has seen significant challenges, marking a shift in how we live and learn and revealing how COVID-19 has profoundly mediated our school life. As we continue to navigate the disruptions caused by the pandemic, we spend a lot more time at home, which in return pushes us to use
Dear Woo Singers, Autumn is here and the weather is great for outdoor activities. I had a chance to hike and watch the sunset recently. The grandness of nature reminds me that I am just one mini, tiny part of the universe. When we get caught up at work or in our relationships, we become
Dear LWS students, The COVID-19 pandemic has brought new experiences and challenges to us. The classes have switched to eLearning, and the use of VeriGuide becomes the routine for submitting the online assignments. Some students teased that the VeriGuide is a dummy academic integrity system that can be faked by merely modifying the vocabulary or
Dear LWS students, Starting from this month, a monthly sharing “G.E. Meditations” will be delivered to you in which I would like to share my thoughts and feelings. I hope you enjoy the coming issues and please do not hesitate to share with us your own thoughts on them. Thank you. A Process of Perfecting