Facilities Booking
and Scheme Applications

Teaching staff and registered student bodies under Student Union, Lee Woo Sing College, can reserve College facilities through the below Online Room Booking System:

Seminar Rooms and Halls

Application via email

Lee Woo Sing College Students and Registered Student Bodies

Other CUHK Departments and External Hirers

Reserve via Online Booking System

Application via email

Lee Woo Sing College Students and Registered Student Bodies

Other CUHK Departments and External Hirers

Reserve via Online Booking System

Application via email

Art, Music and Entertainment Facilities

Lee Woo Sing College Students and Registered Student Bodies

Other CUHK Department and External Hirers

Application via email

Reserve via CU WebForm

College teachers, staff and students can reserve at College lobby reception; not open for non-WS parties

College teachers, staff and students can reserve at College lobby reception; not open for non-WS parties

College teachers, staff and students can reserve at College lobby reception; not open for non-WS parties

Lee Woo Sing College Students and Registered Student Bodies

Other CUHK Department and External Hirers

Reserve via Online Booking System

Not open for non-WS parties

College Service

Lee Woo Sing College Students and Registered Student Bodies

Other CUHK Department and External Hirers

Register via CU WebForm

Not applicable for non-WS parties