Congregation 第八十八屆大會

New Arrangements of 88th Congregation cum LWS 8th Graduation Ceremony

The University has announced on 13 Nov 2020 that:

In light of the increasing health risks and upon the advice from the Committee on Health Promotion and Protection, as well as prudent risk assessment by the University management with input from all Colleges and Faculties, the University had to decide, regretfully, that the 88th Congregation (for the conferment of Bachelor’s Degrees) will be held online according to the originally scheduled dates and time.  No physical ceremonies or celebratory activities will be held on campus. The Colleges will contact graduates for further arrangements of online viewing platform and other related matters very soon.

For details, please click the link on the right hand side. Thank you.

Please click here to read the official announcement by University on arrangements of Congregation

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