Non-admission Scholarships

The College provides a full range of scholarships and bursaries to award students with outstanding performance (there are special scholarships for students studying in Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Arts, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Department of Translation and The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care) and support students with financial difficulties.

List of Scholarships

Regulations governing the award are detailed below.


Name of the Scholarship


The award will be named “Founding Master Gold Medal for Graduating Students” and in Chinese「創院院長畢業生榮譽金獎」.


Number and Value


Each year there will be 3 awards of a gold medal (donated by Prof. Joseph Lau).


Selection Criteria


To be eligible for the Award, candidates should:

  • be full-time final-year undergraduate students affiliated to Lee Woo Sing College regardless of majors;
  • have achieved excellent academic performance with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5; and
  • have good conduct and outstanding leadership caliber during their studies in CUHK.

Shortlisted candidates are required to attend a selection interview.


Administrative Procedures


  • The Award is open for application. All applications will be sent to the Scholarships and Bursaries Committee of the College for consideration and nomination.
  • The awardees may need to meet with the donor to share their learning experiences at CUHK.
  • The Award will be administered by the College Office of Lee Woo Sing College in accordance with the above regulations.

The donation of HK$100,000 from Qin Jia Yuan Foundation Limited and HK$1,000,000 from “An Evening with the Best of the Best” held on Sept 5, 2015 was used for the establishment of a non-admission scholarship for Lee Woo Sing students with outstanding academic performance. Regulations governing the award of the scholarship are detailed below.


Name of the Scholarship


The scholarship will be named “Yam Kim Fai and Bai Shet Sin Scholarship” and in Chinese「任劍輝白雪仙獎學金」.


Number and Value


Each year there will be 2 awards of scholarship (HK$20,000 each) with a total amount of HK$1,116,000.


Selection Criteria


To be eligible for the Scholarship, candidates should:

– be full-time local undergraduate students affiliated to Lee Woo Sing College;

– have achieved excellent academic performance with Year GPA of 3.6 or above; and

– have active participation in extracurricular activities and outstanding contribution to College and campus life in CUHK


Administrative Procedures


  • The Scholarship is open for application. All applications will be sent to the Scholarships and Bursaries Committee of the College for consideration and nomination.
  • The awardees may need to meet with the donor to share their learning experiences at CUHK.
  • The Scholarship will be administered by the College Office of Lee Woo Sing College in accordance with the above regulations.

The CUHK Golden Jubilee Scholarships and Bursaries Fund is supported by the 50th Anniversary Caring Alumni EcoCampus Trial project aiming at educating the general public about our green campus.  A total of 11 donors have generously donated $330,000 ($30,000 each) for adopting plaques in the form of poles located in our College territory.  The donors’ names will be engraved on the plaque as a token of appreciation.  All the donations will be contributing to the College scholarships and bursaries for the needy students with effect from the 2014-15 academic year.  Regulations governing the award of the scholarships are detailed below.


Name of the Scholarship


The scholarship(s) will be named “CUHK Golden Jubilee Scholarships and Bursaries Fund” and in Chinese 「香港中文大學金禧獎助學金基金」.


Number and Value of Scholarship


Each year there will be 3 awards of scholarships (HK$10,000 each) with a total amount of HK$330,000.


Selection Criteria

To be eligible for the Scholarship, candidates should:

  • Be full-time College students admitted to any full-time undergraduate programme;
  • Have outstanding performance or contribution in promoting green life or environmental conservation. An illustration of the completed/on-going green projects must be shown during the selection interview.

Qin Jia Yuan Foundation Limited has generously donated a sum of HK$50,000 to the College for the establishment of a non-admission scholarship for Lee Woo Sing students with outstanding academic performance.  Regulations governing the award of the scholarships are detailed below.


Name of the Scholarship


The scholarship will be named “Helena Wai Scholarships” and in Chinese「衛淑莊獎學金」.


Number and Value


Each year there will be 2 awards of scholarships (HK$5,000 each) with a total amount of HK$50,000.


Selection Criteria


To be eligible for the Scholarships, candidates should:

  • be full-time undergraduate students of Department of Translation affiliated to Lee Woo Sing College;
  • have achieved outstanding academic performance with Year GPA of 3.3 or above; and
  • have excellent performance in on/off campus sports competition or professional recognition in this aspect.

Administrative Procedures


  • The Scholarships is open for application. All applications will be sent to the Scholarships and Bursaries Committee of the College for consideration and nomination.
  • The awardees may need to meet with the donor to share their learning experiences at CUHK.
  • The Scholarships will be administered by the College Office of Lee Woo Sing College in accordance with the above regulations.

Professor Sung has donated HK$100,000 to the College for the establishment of a non-admission scholarship for students studying Chinese History or Chinese Language with outstanding academic performance. Regulations governing the award of the scholarships are detailed below.


Name of the Scholarship


The scholarship will be named “Joseph Sung Scholarships for Outstanding Performance in Chinese Language and History” and in Chinese「沈祖堯中國語言及歷史成績優異獎學金」.


Number and Value


Each year there will be 2 awards of scholarship (HK$10,000 each) with a total amount of HK$100,000.


Selection Criteria


To be eligible for the Scholarships, candidates should:

  • be full-time undergraduate College students admitted to Department of Chinese Language and Literature or Department of History;
  • have outstanding academic performance with Year GPA of 3.3 or above.

Administrative Procedures


  • The Scholarship is open for application. All applications will be sent to the Scholarships and Bursaries Committee of the College for consideration and nomination.
  • The awardees may need to meet with the donor to share their learning experiences at CUHK.
  • The Scholarship will be administered by the College Office of Lee Woo Sing College in accordance with the above regulations.

Ms Li Mei Lian generously donated a sum of HK$300,000 in support of the event “An Evening with the Best of the Best” organized by Lee Woo Sing College in 2015.  The donation will be used to set up a scholarship to award outstanding undergraduate Lee Woo Sing students admitted to the Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care.  The scholarship will be awarded from 2015-16.  Regulations governing the award of the scholarship are detailed below.


Name of the Scholarship


The scholarship will be named “Ms Li Mei Lian Scholarship” and in Chinese 「李美蓮女士獎學金」.


Number and Value


Each year there will be 2 awards of scholarship (HK$15,000 each) with a total amount of HK$300,000.


Selection Criteria


To be eligible for the Scholarship, candidates should:

  • be full-time Year 2 or above undergraduate student;
  • be Lee Woo Sing students from The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care;
  • be accepted in the University/ College overseas exchange or internship/ placement programme in the academic year or term (including summer term);
  • have achieved an excellent academic and all-rounded performance with Year GPA of 3.0 or above;
  • Financial need of applicants may also be considered.

Administrative Procedures


  • The Scholarship is open for application. All applications will be sent to the Scholarships and Bursaries Committee of the College for consideration and nomination.
  • The particulars of the nominees will be submitted to the donor for record.
  • The awardees may need to meet with the donor to share their learning experiences at CUHK.
  • The Scholarship will be administered by the College Office of Lee Woo Sing College in accordance with the above regulations.

The Chinese University of Hong Kong has held a fundraising event “An Evening with the Best of the Best” in 2015 and allocated a sum of HK$1,000,000 from donation to set up “CUHK Scholarship for Children of the Disciplined Services”. Starting from 2019/20, the scholarship also covers the children of fallen comrades to honor the fallen comrades for their contribution to the society and to support their children to pursue tertiary study. Regulations governing the award of the scholarships are detailed below:



Name of the Scholarship


The scholarships will be named “CUHK Scholarship for Children of the Disciplined Services” and in Chinese 「紀律部隊職工子弟獎學金」.



Number and Value


(A) For children of the fallen comrades:

Full scholarship covering the annual tuition fee, currently HK$42,100. The scholarship is renewable for the normative period of study programme subject to satisfactory academic progress. No quota for each year.


(B) For children of serving or retired employee of the disciplined services:

7 awards of scholarship every year, HK$20,000 each.



Selection Criteria


(A) For children of the fallen comrades: (Application is currently NOT open)

  • be full-time undergraduate students;

  • be the children of fallen comrades of the following Hong Kong Disciplined Services including Auxiliary Medical Services (醫療輔助隊), Civil Aid Service (民眾安全服務隊), Correctional Services Department (懲教署), Customs and Excise Department (香港海關), Government Flying Service (政府飛行服務隊), Hong Kong Fire Services Department (香港消防處), Hong Kong Police Force (香港警務處) and Immigration Department (入境事務處);

  • This scholarship is renewable for the normative period of study programme subject to the condition that the scholarship recipient has to attain a Year GPA of at least 3.0 in the preceding academic year.

(B) For children of serving or retired employee of the disciplined services: (Application period: 18-Jan-2021 to 31-Jan-2021)

  • be full-time undergraduate students;

  • be the children of serving or retired employee of the following Hong Kong Disciplined Services including Auxiliary Medical Services (醫療輔助隊), Civil Aid Service (民眾安全服務隊), Correctional Services Department (懲教署), Customs and Excise Department (香港海關), Government Flying Service (政府飛行服務隊), Hong Kong Fire Services Department (香港消防處), Hong Kong Police Force (香港警務處) and Immigration Department (入境事務處);

  • have achieved good academic attainment: good academic results during secondary education and in public examinations for first year students; or a Year GPA of 3.0 for year 2 or above students up to the summer session;

  • Financial need of applicants may also be considered; and

  • Preference is given to students of Lee Woo Sing College.

Administrative Procedures


  • The Scholarship will be administered by Lee Woo Sing College and the details of application will also be disseminated through Office Admissions and Financial Aid.

  • All applications will be sent to the Scholarships and Bursaries Committee of the College for consideration and nomination.

  • The particulars of the nominees will be sent to Dr. Leung Fung-yee Anita, the Chairman of Organizing Committee of “An Evening with the Best of the Best”, for record.

Dr. Jimmy Tang MH. JP and Mrs. Emily Tang have generously donated a sum of HK$400,000 in support of the event “An Evening with the Best of the Best” organized by Lee Woo Sing College in 2015.The donation will be used to set up a scholarship to award outstanding undergraduate students admitted to the Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care. Regulations governing the award of the scholarship are detailed below.


 Name of the Scholarship


The Scholarship will be named “Prince Jewellery and Watch Love and Care Charitable Foundation Scholarship”. (太子珠寶鐘錶愛心慈善基金獎學金)


 Number and Value of Scholarship


One award annually, $10,000 to the best student of the year


Selection Criteria


  • The applicant must be Year 2 or above and full time undergraduate students of The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care affiliated to Lee Woo Sing College ;

  • Students should have achieved an excellent academic and all rounded performance with Year GPA of 3.0 or above, good leadership, significant contribution to the college, university and community, special talents in music, sports or any areas may also be considered.

Administrative Procedures
The scholarship is open for application. The College Scholarship and Bursaries Committee will form a selection panel to select suitable student for the awards. The College will submit the particulars of the nominees to the donor for information. An annual report on the scholarship fund and scholarship recipients will also be submitted to the donor for record. Scholarship recipients are recommended to meet with the donor to share their learning experience at CUHK.

The scholarship was donated by family members of our College Founder and College Patron with effect from the academic year 2017/18.  It aims to give recognition to students who have outstanding academic performance. Regulations governing the award of the non-admission scholarship are detailed below,


Name of the Scholarship


The Scholarship will be named “Victoria Lee Outstanding Academic Scholarship”

Number and Value of Scholarship


There will be 5 awards of scholarships of HK$10,000 each.  The annual total amount is HK$50,000 .

Selection Criteria


To be eligible for the Scholarship, candidates

  • Should be year 2 and above students admitted to any full-time undergraduate program;

  • Have achieved excellent academic performance with Year GPA of 3.3 or above; and

  • Have maintained a balanced development in academic pursuit and extra-curricular activities preferred; and

  • Priority will be given to local students under comparable circumstances.


 Administrative Procedures


  • The Scholarship is open for application or the College may nominate suitable candidates based on the above selection criteria; 

  • All applications and nominations will be sent to the Scholarships and Bursaries Committee of the College for consideration and nomination;

  • The scholarship recipients  may be required to meet with the donor to share their learning experiences at CUHK; and,

  • The Scholarship will be administered by the College Office of Lee Woo Sing College in accordance with the above regulations.

Dr. and Mrs. Ti Hua KOO has set up experiential learning trip scholarships to encourage students to participate in short-term overseas experiential learning activities organized or recognized by the College to widen their horizon. Regulations governing the awards are detailed below:


Name of the Award

The Award will be named “Ti Hua KOO and Dorothy VEE KOO Experiential Learning Trip Scholarship” and in Chinese 「顧鐵華費肇芬伉儷體驗學習獎學金」


Number and Value

There will be up to 4 awards of up to HK$5,000 each individually.  The annual total amount is up to HK$20,000.


Selection Criteria

To be eligible for the Awards, candidates should:

  • Be accepted in the College recognized overseas short-term exchange programmes, social service trip, internship or experiential learning programme to Mainland China, Taiwan, Macau or region of Silk Road and “One Belt One Road”;
  • Have achieved an excellent academic and all-rounded performance; and,

Administrative Procedures

  • The Award is open for application. All applications will be sent to the Scholarships and Bursaries Committee of the College for consideration;
  • The awardees may be required to meet with the donor to share their learning experiences at CUHK; and,
  • The Scholarship will be administered by the College Office of Lee Woo Sing College in accordance with the above regulations.

Dr. Ti-Hua KOO and Mrs. Dorothy KOO has set up scholarship to award undergraduate who have demonstrated excellence in serving the community. Regulations governing the award of the scholarship are detailed below.


Name of the Award

The Scholarship will be named “Ti Hua KOO and Dorothy VEE KOO Serving Community Scholarship” and in Chinese 「顧鐵華費肇芬伉儷社會服務獎學金 」


Number and Value

There will be eight non-renewable scholarships of HK$20,000 each to be awarded each year. The total amount is HK$160,000 per annum.


Selection Criteria

To be eligible for the Scholarship, candidates should

  • Be a full-time Year 2 or above undergraduate student of Lee Woo Sing College;
  • Have achieved good academic performance with Year GPA of 3.0 or above;
  • Have strong serving community mindset, and a good record in of community / college service or bringing positive spirit to the community/ college; and
  • Come from financially disadvantaged background.

Administrative Procedures

The Scholarship is open for application or the College may nominate suitable candidates based on the above selection criteria;

  • All applications and nominations will be sent to the Scholarships and Bursaries Committee of the College for consideration;
  • The recipients are expected to help promotion and organization of College activities on community services;
  • The scholarship recipients may be required to meet with the donor to share their learning experiences at CUHK;
  • The scholarship recipients must attend the scholarship presentation ceremony unless under some unforeseeable or uncontrollable circumstances approved by the College, or else the scholarship will be given to the first alternate; and

In order to encourage current students to participate in the College activities proactively, Lee Woo Sing College Alumni Association (WSAA) has generously donated HK$2,000 to the College for the establishment of non-admission scholarships with effect from the academic year 2017/18.Regulations governing the award of the admission scholarship are detailed below,


Name of the Scholarship


The Scholarship will be named “Lee Woo Sing College Alumni Association Scholarship”


Number and Value of Scholarship


There will be 2 awards of scholarships of HK$1,000 each.  The annual total amount is HK$2,000.


Selection Criteria


  • Should be full-time students admitted to any full-time undergraduate program;
  • Have active participation in extracurricular activities and outstanding contribution to College, committee members of college societies and graduation classes are preferred;
  • Promise to join WSAA after graduation.

Administrative Procedures


  •  The Scholarship is open for application or the College may nominate suitable candidates  based on the above selection criteria;
  • All applications and nominations will be sent to the Scholarships and Bursaries Committee of the College for consideration and nomination;
  • The scholarship recipients may be required to meet WSAA members or write a proposal to WSAA to share their planning of WSAA; and,
  • The Scholarship will be administered by the College Office of Lee Woo Sing College in accordance with the above regulations.

The scholarship was donated by family members of our College Founder and College Patron with effect from the academic year 2017/18.  It aims to give recognition to College Teams who have outstanding contribution to the College or distinguished performance in sports, art, green activities and culture. Regulations governing the award of the non-admission scholarship are detailed below:


Name of the Award


The Award will be named “Joanna Lee Outstanding Team Award”


Number and Value of Scholarship


There will be 3 awards of HK$8,000 each. The annual total amount is HK$24,000.


Selection Criteria


To be eligible for the Scholarship, candidates

  • Should be a team affiliated to Lee Woo Sing College; and,
  • Have achieved an outstanding contribution to the College or CUHK. Significant awards or championships of sports, green activities, art and culture in inter-collegiate competitions, performance or competitions outside the campus are preferred.

Administrative Procedures


  • The Award is open for application or the College may nominate suitable candidates  based on the above selection criteria;
  • All applications and nominations will be sent to the Scholarships and Bursaries Committee of the College for consideration and nomination;
  • The award recipients may be required to meet with the donor to share their learning experiences at CUHK; and,
  • The Award will be administered by the College Office of Lee Woo Sing College in accordance with the above regulations.

The scholarship was donated by family members of our College Founder and College Patron with effect from the academic year 2017/18.It aims to give the achievements of athletes, music, art and culture lovers who have demonstrated outstanding performance on sports, music, choir, drama, art and etc. Regulations governing the award of the non-admission scholarship are detailed below,


Name of the Award


The Award will be named “Joanna Lee Outstanding Individual Award”


Number and Value of Scholarship


There will be 5 awards of HK$5,000 each. The annual total amount is HK$25,000.


Selection Criteria


To be eligible for the Scholarship, candidates

  • Should be a team/society member affiliated to Lee Woo Sing College; and,
  • Have achieved an outstanding contribution to the College or CUHK. Significant awards or championships of sports, music, art or culture in inter-collegiate competitions, performance or competitions outside the campus are preferred.

Administrative Procedures


  • The Award is open for application or the College may nominate suitable candidates based on the above selection criteria;

  • All applications and nominations will be sent to the Scholarships and Bursaries Committee of the College for consideration and nomination;

  • The award recipients may be required to meet with the donor to share their learning experiences at CUHK; and,

  • The Award will be administered by the College Office of Lee Woo Sing College in accordance with the above regulations.

This award was donated by the family members of our College Founder and College Patron to give recognition to students who have demonstrated strong leadership in various aspects and contributed to the College with effect from the academic year 2017/18. Regulations governing the award of the non-admission scholarship are detailed below:


Name of the Award


The Award will be named “Joanna Lee Outstanding Leadership Award”


Number and Value of Scholarship


There will be 2 awards of HK$5,000 each. The annual total amount is HK$10,000 .


Selection Criteria


To be eligible for the Scholarship, candidates

  • Should be a team/society/committee/association member affiliated to Lee Woo Sing College;
  • Have active participation in extracurricular activities and outstanding contribution to the College or CUHK; and,
  • Demonstrated strong leadership in the activities.

Administrative Procedures

  • The Award is open for application or the College may nominate suitable candidates  based on the above selection criteria;
  • All applications and nominations will be sent to the Scholarships and Bursaries Committee of the College for consideration and nomination;
  • The award recipients may be required to meet with the donor to share their learning experiences at CUHK; and,
  • The Award will be administered by the College Office of Lee Woo Sing College in accordance with the above regulations.

The scholarship was donated by family members of our College Founder and College Patron with effect from the academic year 2017/18.  It aims to encourage non-residential students to actively participate in College activities and contribute to the College services. Regulations governing the award of the non-admission scholarship are detailed below:


Name of the Award


The Award will be named “Joanna Lee Distinguished Non-residential Student Service Award”


Number and Value of Scholarship


There will be 3 awards of HK$5,000 each. The annual total amount is HK$15,000 .


Selection Criteria


To be eligible for the Scholarship, candidates

  • Should be full-time non-residential students admitted to any full-time undergraduate program and affiliated to Lee Woo Sing College;
  • Have active participation in extracurricular activities and outstanding contribution to the College or CUHK; and,
  • Demonstrated strong leadership preferred.

Administrative Procedures


  • The Award is open for application or the College may nominate suitable candidates  based on the above selection criteria;
  • All applications and nominations will be sent to the Scholarships and Bursaries Committee of the College for consideration and nomination;
  • The award recipients may be required to meet with the donor to share their learning experiences at CUHK; and,
  • The Award will be administered by the College Office of Lee Woo Sing College in accordance with the above regulations.

The scholarship was donated by family members of our College Founder and College Patron with effect from the academic year 2017/18.  It aims to encourage students to contribute to the College and show caring and peer support to their fellow students. Regulations governing the award of the non-admission scholarship are detailed below:


Name of the Award


The Award will be named “Joanna Lee Distinguished College Caring Ambassador/Mentor Award”


Number and Value of Scholarship


There will be 4 awards of HK$4,000 each. The annual total amount is HK$16,000 .


Selection Criteria


To be eligible for the Scholarship, candidates

  • Should be local or non-local students admitted to any full-time undergraduate program;
  • Have active participation in College mentorship program and show peer support and caring to fellow students; and
  • Have active involvement in College services or other extracurricular activities and outstanding contribution to the College or CUHK.


Administrative Procedures


  • The Award is open for application or the College may nominate suitable candidates based on the above selection criteria;
  • All applications and nominations will be sent to the Scholarships and Bursaries Committee of the College for consideration and nomination;
  • The award recipients may be required to meet with the donor to share their learning experiences at CUHK; and,
  • The Award will be administered by the College Office of Lee Woo Sing College in accordance with the above regulations.

This award was donated by the family members of our College Founder and College Patron to give recognition to students who have made great improvements in academic achievements with effect from the academic year 2017/18. Regulations governing the award of the non-admission scholarship are detailed below:


Name of the Award


The Award will be named “Joanna Lee Best Academic Improvement Award”.


Number and Value of Scholarship


There will be 2 awards of HK$5,000 each. The annual total amount is HK$10,000.


Selection Criteria


To be eligible for the Scholarship, candidates

  • Should be Year 2 or above students admitted to any full-time undergraduate program; and,
  • Students who have got a low GPA in the previous year (e.g. below 1.5) but made a significant academic improvements.


Administrative Procedures


  • The Award is by nomination basis;
  • All applications and nominations will be sent to the Scholarships and Bursaries Committee of the College for consideration and nomination;
  • The award recipients  may be required to meet with the donor to share their learning experiences at CUHK; and,
  • The Award will be administered by the College Office of Lee Woo Sing College in accordance with the above regulations.

Application Procedures

  • The College will make announcement to students when the application of Non-admission scholarship is open. 
  • Please provide all necessary documents together with your application.
  • Nomination by Faculty or College members is also accepted. If the application is by nomination, a support letter from Faculty or College member has to be included in the set of the supporting documents. You can download the “Support Letter” here.

  • Applications will be sent to the Scholarships and Bursaries Committee of the College for consideration.