Lee Woo Sing College
Staff Club

To enhance better communications and relationship among the staff members, Lee Woo Sing College Staff Club was established and the first Executive Committee was formed in January 2014.

College Staff Club Composition


Dr. TANG Mei Kuen, Florence

Vice President

Dr. WONG Pui Man, Molly


Dr. CHAN Yip Cheung

Ex-Officio Members

Professor LAU Wan Yee, Joseph (Master)

Mrs. LAW FOK Yuk Hing, Alice (College Secretary)


Professor CHAN Hon Fai

Professor JIANG Yangzi

Professor KWAN Yu Kwong, Paula

Professor MAK Wing Yan

Dr. WU Shih Chia


Ms LEE Yeuk Yu, Eunice

Join Us

For the basic rules and regulation principles, membership categories of joining Lee Woo Sing College Staff Club (WSSC), please refer to WSSC Guiding Principles.


For application, please download the relative form:

Club Activities
Past Activities (2014-2020)

Contact and Enquiries