and Hostel Tutors

Wardens and Hostel Tutors


Dr. WONG Pui Man, Molly
(WS1 – Dorothy and Ti-Hua KOO Building)


(WS2 – North Block)

Senior Hostel Tutor

Mr. CHOI Siu Ming, Theo (G/F & 5/F, WS2)

Hostel Tutors

Mr. CHAN Weng U, David (6/F & /F, WS2)


Ms. FUNG Sher Fei, Fei (3/F & 4/F, WS2)


Mr. LAM Ka Wang, Kelvin (4/F & 5/F, WS1)


Ms. LIN Cuichan, Vicky (1/F & 2/F, WS2)


Mr. LO Sheung Lai, Lester (3/F, WS1)


Dr. YING Fan, Sara (6/F & 7/F, WS1)


Ms. ZHANG Weiming, Elaine (10/F & 11/F, WS1)

Welcome from Wardens
"My warm greetings to all residents and students of Lee Woo Sing College. It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you to be a part of the Woo Sing family which strives to provide students a homely, caring and stimulating atmosphere to enhance students’ pursuit of all-round personal development. Hostel life and hostel education as well as university general education are important parts of students’ all-round education and whole-person development in the University. You are cordially encouraged to engage in various hostel activities and events, and, more importantly, to blend and live in “harmony” gaining a rich and memorable experience. Woo Sing family is a union of diverse cultures, backgrounds, languages, and experiences, that enables students and residents to foster the advancement of lifelong soft skills including leadership, interpersonal relationship, creative thinking, communication skills, self-discipline and management, being a team player, and positive mental attitude. It is also a place where students respect one another and embrace differences. I sincerely hope that our hostel environment will facilitate students to strengthen “WS Hall & Team Spirit”, build up self-confidence and social competency, and to expand their social networks, make good friendships, and develop a lifelong rapport.

Together with my team, we will continue to cultivate residential hall education and work intently to make our hostel a safe and enjoyable home away from home. Your engagement will be appreciated to create a peaceful environment propitious to academic excellence and whole-person development. I wish your stay in Lee Woo Sing College be filled with rewarding and inspiring experiences. I greatly look forward to meeting you all. My warm wishes to you all for your outstanding academic careers and other facets of cultural, social and sports activities."
Dr. Molly Wong
Warden, WS1
Wardens’ Office

Location: G07, G/F, Dorothy and Ti-Hua KOO Building, Lee Woo Sing College

Warden Hours: 9:00pm, every Wednesday during term time (or by appointment during non-term time)