BSSc (CUHK); MSW (CUHK.); Master in Narrative Therapy and Community Work (University of Melbourne), PhD (CUHK); RSW, Accredited Supervisor (Australian Counselling Association) 3943 7552Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它
- Practice and research with post-divorce families
- Practice and research with students who refused to attend school
- Family intervention and family-centered practice
- Narrative Therapy and Community Work
- Family impact assessment
- Work and family interface
- Lau, Y. K. (2020). A critical review of school social work in Hong Kong. In J.G. Gao, R. Baikady, L. Govindappa, & S.L. Cheng (Eds.). Social welfare in India and China (pp.101-117), Palgrave Macmillan. http://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-5647-6
- Lau, Y.K. & Ho, W.M. (2018). Family-centered kindergarten social work services in Hong Kong: A pilot project. Asian Social Work and Policy Review, 12(2), 116-126. doi: 10.1111/aswp.12144
- Lau, Y.K. (2017). Post-divorce co-parenting and children's well-being in Hong Kong. Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, 58(5), 329-346. DOI: 10.1080/10502556.2017.1302237
- Lau, Y.K. & Wong, H. (2016). Statutory minimum wage in Hong Kong: a family impact analysis. Journal of Family Studies, published on line on 3rd June 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13229400.2016.1176590
- Lau, Y.K. (2015). Issues and challenges in performing family impact analysis – Implications for Hong Kong. Asian Social Work and Policy Review, 9(3), 257-268. DOI: 10.1111/aswp.12063
- Lau, Y.K., Ma, J.L.C., Wan, P.S., & Lai, L.Y. (2014). Work-family interface in Hong Kong in Hong Kong: Implications for social work practice. Journal of Family Social Work, 17(1), 3-20. DOI: 10.1080/10522158.2013.865286
- Lau. Y.K. (2011). A narrative oriented multiple-family group with students who refuse to attend school and their parents. International Journal of Narrative Therapy and Community Work, 2011(4), 46-57
- PI of the “Study on Children Living in Post-Divorce Remarriage Families” for The Society of Truth and Light (1st June 2018 – 31st March 2019).
- PI of the “Evaluation Study on CPI model” for Hong Kong Family Welfare Society (1st December 2016-31st March 2019)
- PI of the study on "The Effectiveness of the Parenting Coordination Service for Divorced Families of Hong Kong Catholic Marriage Advisory Council" (2015-2018) (Co-PI: Professor Glenn Stone, Professor & Chair, BSW Program, Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana, USA)
- PI of the study on "Impacts of Parents' Co-Parenting Approaches on Children's Well-Being in Post-Divorce Families in Hong Kong" for Hong Kong Family Welfare Society (2015-2016)
- PI of the study on "Family Impact Assessment on Statutory Minimum Wage" for the Hong Kong Council of Social Service (2.2.2013- 31.4.2014) (CI: Prof Wong Hung)
- PI of the RGC Earmarked Grant Project on "Working in Mainland China: Family Decision and Family Adjustment" (1st October 2005 – 30th March 2008) (Co-investigators: Prof Joyce Ma Prof Chan Ying Keung and Prof He Liping)
- PI of the practice and research project on "Family-centred Practice with students who refused to attend school" since 2003.
- PI of the study on "Comparative study on economic development and women's family status". (Nov, 2001-Dec, 2002) (Co-investigators: Prof Joyce Ma and Prof Chan Ying Keung)
- Advisor of Hong Kong Marriage and Family Therapy Association since December 2017.
- Advisory Committee member of International Social Service Family Institute since 2018.
- Member of the Admissions, Budgets and Allocations Committee of The Community Chest (since 2016).
- Subject Specialist of Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation (2003-2014, 2015-2018)
- Co-opted member of the Specialized Committee on Family and Community (2013-2015)
- Honorary clinical advisor of the Community Mental Health Intervention Project of the Richmond Fellowship of Hong Kong (Since 2007)
- 研究項目「Comparative studies on women family status – Hong Kong study」獲香港中文大學學術交流處於2004年選為「Excellent Collaboration」)
- 於2007年11月24-25日第三屆中國青少年發展論壇發表的會議論文「Impact of cross-border work arrangement on parent-child relationship」獲中國青少年研究會頒發「2007年度優秀論文獎」
若 不 是 耶 和 華 建 造 房 屋 , 建 造 的 人 就 枉 然 勞 力 ; 若 不 是 耶 和 華 看 守 城 池 , 看 守 的 人 就 枉 然 警 醒 。(詩篇 127:1)
Unless Yahweh builds the house, they labor in vain who build it. Unless Yahweh watches over the city, the watchman guards it in vain. (Psalm 127: 1)