committee 19 21
The CUHK Social Work Alumni Association belongs to every graduates of the Department of Social Work of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Since its inauguration in January 1999, we have received unfailing support from four Department Chairpersons; namely Prof. Amy M.C. Lam, Prof. Tang Kwong Leung, Prof. Joyce L.C. Ma and Prof. Steven Ngai, as well as valuable encouragement and advice from Consulting Teachers, remarkable contributions from Ex-Presidents and Committee Members and the active participation of our alumni. We greatly appreciate your support! Without it, we could not take even one step forward.


The new committee of Alumni Association for the term 2019-2021 was selected at the annual general meeting on 23 March 2019. The committee 2019-2021 comprises of the following members:

Chan Lit-fai
Graduate of 1992 BSSc Programme in Social Work 
Xie Yan
Graduate of 2009 MSSc Programme in Social Work
Lam Keung
Graduate of 1979 BSSc Programme in Social Work 
TIU Kwong-ho
Graduate of 2008 MA Programme in Social Service Management 
General Affairs
Cheung Hon-wa
Graduate of 1992 BSSc Programme in Social Work
Committee Member
Tsoi Kcon-wah
Graduate of 1979 BSSc Programme in Social Work
Cheung Hung-wah
Graduate of 1980 BSSc Programme in Social Work
Chan Ka-ling
Graduate of 2012 MSSc Programme in Social Work
CHENG Kit-yee
Graduate of 2012 MSSc Programme in Social Work
CHEN Yanwen
Graduate of 2015 MSSc Programme in Social Work
TSANG Hoi-wai
Graduate of 2016 MSSc Programme in Social Work


In the coming two years, we will continue to serve our alumni by organising various types of activities. Also, we will continue to network with alumni to contribute our best to our mother school, the Department of Social Work and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. As such, we need the participation of everyone. Let's meet up in our coming activities. For the latest information about our Association and activities, please visit our Facebook and website. Thank you.


CHAN Lit-fai (Graduated at 1992)
The CUHK Social Work Alumni Association (2019-2021)
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