Students and Alumni
Martin BOEWE

Maitrise in History, University of Paris 8, 1987
Master in Regional Planning/Regional Science, KIT (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), 1989
Home town: Hong Kong
Email: martin.boewe’at’cuhk.edu.hk

My research is about Transformation through Intentional Communities. I am investigating several contemporary intentional communities with utopian characteristics. I want to demonstrate how individuals joining intentional communities are engaged in personal and social transformation projects, how they choose intentional community as a strategic place to implement their projects, how a critique of their respective mainstream society serves as backdrop to these transformation projects, and how intentional communities reconnect them with society. Research is being conducted cross-culturally in different sites to investigate how intentional communities as distorted mirrors of society work in similar ways in different social settings. So far I have done research in communities in China, Italy, Denmark. I have also visited communities in Germany and Switzerland.

Next to my research about contemporary utopian communities I am presently exploring possibilities to use techniques of Business Anthropology in consumer research and market strategy formulation.

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