主席: | 鄺可怡教授 |
委員: | 唐小兵教授 |
黃慧怡教授 | |
許暉林教授 | |
傅健士教授 | |
鄭竹文教授 | |
韋一空教授 | |
卜永堅教授 | |
吳偉明教授 | |
張欽良教授 | |
李允琪教授 | |
姚治華教授 | |
魏伶珈教授 | |
梁學彬教授 | |
凌旻華教授 | |
秘書: | 葉皓思女士 |
職權範圍 (只提供英文版)
- To review the Taught Postgraduate programmes of the Faculty, including the formation of review panels for individual programmes and consideration of the review reports, action plans, etc;
- To oversee the design of Faculty Package courses and to ensure the smooth running of the courses under the new 4-year curriculum;
- To coordinate the bidding of funds for the enhancement of teaching and learning; and
- To organize activities for the enhancement of teaching and learning within the Faculty.