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BA., M. A., (Harvard); D. Phil. (Harvard)



  • 主要著作


    1. (主编)《金曜风华:梦蝶轩藏中国古代金饰》。香港:香港中文大学艺术系及文物馆,2013。
    2. (主编)《松漠风华:契丹艺术与文化》。香港:香港中文大学文物馆,2004。
    3. (Ed.) Music in the Age of Confucius. Washington, D.C.: Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, 2000.
    4. (Co-ed with) Emma C. Bunker. Traders and Raiders on China’s Northern Frontier. Washington and Seattle: Arthur M. Sackler Gallery and University of Washington Press, 1995.
    5. Eastern Zhou Ritual Bronzes in the Arthur M. Sacker Collections, Volume III of Ancient Chinese Bronzes in the Arthur M. Sackler Collections. New York: Arthur M. Sackler Foundation, Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, and Harry N. Abrams, 1995.
    6. (Co-authored with) Robert Little. Splendours of the Orient. Montreal: Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, 1985.


    1. “Foreign Elements in Pre-dynastic Qin Culture: Materials, Techniques & Types.” In Yang Liu ed. Beyond the First Emperor’s Mausoleum – New Perspectives on Qin Culture (Minneapolis: Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 2014), pp. 193-212.
    2. “Scented Trails: Amber as Aromatic in Medieval China.” Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Series 3, 23, 1(2013), pp. 85-101.
    3. 〈古人存古:玉琮在古代墓葬中的诸意义〉,载郑岩、巫鸿、朱青生编:《古代墓葬美术研究 (第二辑)》(长沙:湖南美术出版社,2013),页1-17。
    4. Jades from Niuheliang: Answers to an Archaeological Problem?”, Zurich Studies in the History of Art: Georges Bloch Annual , Vol. 13/14, 2009, pp. 79-101.
    5. 〈北宋玉器范式之寻找〉,载王耀庭编:《开创典范:北宋的艺术与文化研讨会论文集》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2008),页723-759。
    6. 〈古人拟古:春秋战国时代的复古风 〉,《中国文化研究所学报》,2008年08月,页373-406。
    7. “Exploring Ancient Sichuan’s Cultural Contacts: Evidence from Jade and Stone.” Thomas Lawton, ed. New Frontiers in Global Archaeology: Defining China’s Ancient Traditions. Proceedings of the International Symposium Celebrating the Tenth Anniversary of the Arthur M. Sackler Museum of Art and Archaeology at Peking University, 28-20 May 2004 (New York: The AMS Foundation for the Arts, Sciences and Humanities, 2008), pp. 297-320.
    8. (Co-authored) with Peter J. Lu, Nan Yao, George E. Harlow, Jianfang Lu and Genfu Wang, and Paul M. Chaikin. “Earliest Use of Corundum and Diamond in Prehistoric China.” (Preprint July 18, 2004). Archaeometry 47, 1(2005), pp. 1-12.
    9. 〈契丹玉与琥珀雕饰初论附:白玉在契丹文化中的意义〉,载《中国隋唐至清代玉器学术研讨会论文集》(上海:上海古籍出版社,2002),页237-248。
    10. “Jade and Stone at Sanxingdui.” In Robert Bagley ed. Ancient Sichuan: Treasures from a Lost Civilization (Seattle: Seattle Art Museum and Princeton University Press, 2001), pp. 153-175.
    11. “Different Tunes, Different Strings: Court and Chamber Music in Ancient China.” Orientations, May, 2000, pp. 26-34.
    12. “Chu Art: Link Between the Old and New.” In Constance A. Cook and John S. Major ed. Defining Chu: Image and Reality in Ancient China (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1999), pp. 33-47.
    13. (Co-authored) with Janet G. Douglas. “Understanding and Identifying Jades from the Hongshan Culture.” In Tang Chung ed. East Asian Jade: Symbol of Excellence, vol. 1 (Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong and Centre for Chinese Archaeology and Art, 1998), pp. 148-63.
    14. Addendum to “A Hongshan Jade Pendant in the Freer Gallery of Art.” Hong Kong: Orientations Publications, 1997, pp. 171.
  • 研讨会

    1. (Co-authored) with Ling-yun Tang, “Collecting Chinese Art in Hong Kong – A Global Phenomenon.” Paper presented in “The 8th International Conference on the Arts in Society” organized by the Arts in Society, 24-26 June, 2013.
    2. “Foreign Elements in Qin Culture: Materials, Manufacture, and Types.” Paper presented at “Beyond the First Emperor’s Mausoleum – New Perspectives on Qin Culture” organized by the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 27-28 October, 2012.
    3. 「陕西韩城梁带村出土青铜、黄金、与玉/石」。上海博物馆主办「陕西韩城出土芮国文物国际学术研讨会」,13-15.08.2012。
    4. 「从香港梦蝶轩藏先秦金饰说起」。秦始皇帝陵博物院主办「秦与北方民族国际学术研讨会」,07-10.08.2012。
    5. 「古人存古:玉琮在古代墓葬中的诸意义」。芝加哥大学东亚艺术研究中心、中央美术学院人文学院、北京大学视觉与图像研究中心主办「第二届古代墓葬美术研究国际学术会议」,9-11.09.2011。
    6. 「史前玉镯面面观」。中华玉文化中心主办「良渚论坛-中华玉文化中心第三届年会」,19-21.08.2011。
    7. “Scented Trails: Sources, Uses, and Meanings of Aromatics in Medieval China.” Paper presented at “Perfumery and Ritual – The Use of Incense, Flowers, Distillates, and Aromatic Objects” organized by Heidelberg University Collaborative Research Centre (SFB) ‘Dynamics of Ritual’, 28-30 November, 2010.
    8. “Collecting Chinese Art in Hong Kong – A Global Phenomenon.” Paper presented in “Fine Objects: Material Culture Re-though. The Circulation of East Asian Artefacts on Their Route to the West and Their Conservation”, organized by Fundação Oriente, the Instituto dos Museus e da Conservação and the Centro de História de Além-Mar (Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa), 19-20 October, 2009.
    9. 「《诗经》—考古—与中国古代音乐」。国家汉办/孔子学院总部主办「《五经》研究与翻译国际学术委员会第一次工作会议」,29.07.2009。
  • 讲座

    1.  “Why potter, bronze, or jade, and not gold? – Why we need to know our materials in art and Cultural studies?” Seminar presented at the department of Archaeology, Wuhan University, 21 April, 2014.
    2. “Why Gold in China: The Significance of Materials in Artistic-Cultural Studies.” organized by Faculty of Arts Colloquium, 13 December, 2013.
    3. Lead presenter, Planning workshop on exhibition “Jade: China’s Immortal Soul,” organized by the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, 25-27 Oct, 2013.
    4. Moderator, Symposium in honour of Dame Professor Jessica Rawson’s 70th Birthday. London, British Museum, 14-15 June, 2013.
    5. Leader, Mellon Bronze Object Study Workshop, Freer Gallery of Art, Washingon, DC, 3-7 June, 2013.
    6. Convenor, Workshop on study of gold in China, organized in conjunction with one-day symposium on the opening of Radiant Legacy: Ancient Chinese Gold from the Mengdiexuan Collection at the Art Museum, ICS, 4-5 May, 2013.
    7. “Bronze Inscriptions for Dummies: A Layman’s Approach.” Presented at conference marking the opening of the Art Institute of Chicago’s special exhibition of Katherine and George Fan’s Collection of Chinese bronzes, 4-8 November, 2010.
    8. “Jades of the 10th Century and Dynastic-Ethnic-Regional Identities.” Delivered at Tenth Century China and Beyond: Art and Visual Culture in a Multi-centered Age, symposium organized by the Center for the Art of East Asia, University of Chicago, 14-15 May, 2010.
    9. “Antique Jades in Antiquity: Heritage? Collectible? Or Material Resource?” Delivered for   the Harvard East Asian Archaeology seminars and Harvard-Yenching Institute, Harvard University, 23 April, 2010.
    10. “Asia-Europe Forum for Field Studies”, organized by E.C.A.F., 6-8 January, 2009.
    11. “Antiques in Antiquity: Early Chinese Looks at the Past”. Guest presentation and discussion for “Comparative Empires and Material Culture” (ARCH 1850) seminar at Brown University, 5 March, 2008.
  • 荣誉及奖项

    1. Co-Chair, Advisory Committee, Asia Society Hong Kong Center, March 2013 to 2015.
    2. Expert Advisor, Hong Kong Museum of Art, 2010-2015.
    3. Member, Advisory Board, Arts Asiatiques, E.F.E.O, Paris, September 2010 to date.
    4. Member, Advisory Board, Hong Kong International Arts and Antiques Fair (HKIAAF), March 2009 to date.
    5. Member, West Kowloon Cultural District Authority (and three subcommittees), October 2008-14.
    6. Sector/ Subject Specialist, Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualifications, Jan 2008- June 2011.
    7. Advisor-assessor, Visual Arts Panel, Asian Cultural Council (March 2011).
    8. Member, grants assessment panel, Luce/ACLS Initiatives on Early East Asian Archaeology, 2006, 2007, 2009.
    9. Reviewer, Creative Arts, Performing Arts & Design Panel, Research Assessment Exercise 2006, University Grants Committee.
    10. 评鉴委员, 国立台湾大学艺术研究所, 2005 年5月10日- 2006 年5月13日。
    11. Member, Executive Committee, Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, HKU, 2005 to date.
    12. External Assessor, Visual Studies Programme, Department of Philosophy, Ling’nan University.
    13. Member, Board of Advisors, The Ink Society Ltd.
    14. Governor, Bei Shan Tang Foundation, 2002 to date.