Assistant Professor, Musicology

Research Stream Coordinator
208, Hui Yeung Shing Building
BMus, MMus (New England Conservatory of Music); MA, PhD (Princeton)
Musicology / Western music history

Preoccupied with dusting off humanist musical sources of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, both European and Global in scope, Jeffrey LEVENBERG adopted the classicizing Chinese name 華念祖 upon arriving at CUHK in 2015. His primary research concerns Carlo Gesualdo, with a view to illuminating the prince's post-Tridentine motivations, contexts, and receptions. To that end, LEVENBERG is critiquing a number of treatises (chiefly those of Giovanni d'Avella, Leone Santi, and Johannes Franciscus Marcus), analyzing Gesualdo's use/abuse of various liturgical rites in the Responsoria (Roman, Ambrosian, Beneventan), and locating Gesualdo among Franciscans, Jesuits, and Marinists alike. Levenberg is also investigating the reception of Middle Eastern and Chinese sources on music in Europe. As anticipated, LEVENBERG's music history students have divided over whether or not 幽蘭 should be included in Western music history; he has no intention of deciding the matter one way or the other.

Recent Grants and Papers

RGC ECS (2017), Villa I Tatti (2017), NEH (2016)

"The Re-Discovery of Ancient Chinese Cyclical Tuning in Renaissance Europe," "Al-Farabi's Great Book of Music at the Biblioteca Ambrosiana," IMS Tokyo 2017.
"Worth the price of the Musurgia universalis: Athanasius Kircher on the secret of the 'metabolic style'," Recercare xxviii/1-2 (2016)

List of Recent Courses Taught
  • MUSC2016 Early Music Ensemble
  • MUSC2872 History of Western Music I
  • MUSC2882 History of Western Music II
  • MUSC3213 History of Western Music: Special Topic I
  • MUSC6356 Musical Notation