B.A. (Chicago); M.St, D.Phil (Oxon)
姚進莊教授現任文物館館長。他在芝加哥大學取得藝術史學士學位後,於牛津大學完成了博士學位。由2006至2013年,他在西雅圖博物館任中國藝術部主任。作為一位明清至近現代的中國藝術學者,他的著作包括:Writing Modern Chinese Art: Historiographic Explorations(西雅圖:華盛頓大學出版社,2009)及蓋蒂基金會贊助在線圖錄Remembering Days Gone By: Chinese Painting and Calligraphy from the Seattle Art Museum Collection。他曾任教及演講於多間大學,包括華盛頓大學及西雅圖大學。
- A Fuller View of China: Chinese Art at the Seattle Art Museum. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2014.
- (主編)《殊塗同歸:香港中文大學與英國牛津大學所藏高劍父、呂壽琨作品展》。香港:香港中文大學,2013。
- (Project Director and Co-editor) Uncover the Past: Chinese painting and calligraphy at the Seattle Art Museum (http://chinesepainting.seattleartmuseum.org).
- (Ed.) Writing Modern Chinese Art. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2009.
- “Rethinking Gao Jianfu: Idea before the Brush.” Arts of Asia, vol. 44.2 (March-April 2014), pp. 122-131.
- 〈明清帝陵的石供桌〉,載巫鴻編《古代墓葬美术研究》(第二輯)(長沙:南湖美術出版社,2013),頁359-375。
- “The Rise of Sang de Boeuf ceramics.” In Shelagh Vainker ed. A Life in Chinese Art. Oxford: Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology, 2012.
- “From the Forgotten Garden: Wang Huaiqing’s Art, Life and World.” In Tiantian Wang ed., Wang Huaiqing: A Painter’s Painter in Contemporary China. Ediciones Polígrafa, 2011.
- “The Blue in Qi Baishi’s Blue Mountains: On a landscape in the Collection of Professor Michael Sullivan.” In Wang Mingming ed. Qi Baishi Guoji taolunhui lunwenji. Beijing: Wenhua yishu chubanshe, 2010.
- “Wen Zhengming’s Poem to the Painting ‘Sunset on the Jin and Jiao Mountains’.” (translated into Japanese) In Yukiko Shirahara ed. Luminous Jewels: Masterpieces of Asian Art from the Seattle Art Museum, Japan: Yomiuri Shimbun and Mitsumura Printing Co., Ltd., 2009, pp. 57-61.
- “On the Origin of the Garniture de Cheminée.” (peer-reviewed) Journal of American Ceramic Circle, vol. 15, 2009, pp. 11-23.
- “Art History in the Making.” Apollo: the International Magazine for Collectors, May 2008, pp. 52-57.
- 《殊塗同歸:香港中文大學與英國牛津大學所藏高劍父、呂壽琨作品展》。香港中文大學、牛津大學合辦,香港中文大學文物館,香港,12-05.2014。
- Wang Huaiqing: A Painter’s Painter in Contemporary China. Seattle Art Museum, Seattle, November – April 2011.
- New Old and New New: Recent Acquisitions of Asian Art, Seattle Art Museum, Seattle, December 2009 – 2011.
- Enduring Affinity: Chinese Jades and Celadons, Seattle Art Museum, Seattle, June 2009 – 2014.
- Of Nature and Friendship: Modern Chinese Painting from the Khoan and Michael Sullivan Collection, Seattle Art Museum, Seattle, February – July 2007.
- “Collaborations with Long-term Impact.” Presented in “Forum for Chinese Art Curators”, British Museum, December 2014.
- “The Politics of Incense Offering and the Rise of the Archaistic Censer.” Presented in “Middle Period Conference”, Harvard University, June 2014.
- (主持)「近代人物傳記及數據庫建設」學術研討會,當代香港中文大學中國文化研究中心主辦,中國文化研究所,05.2014。
- Gold Muse Award for Online Presence, the American Alliance of Museums, 2014.
- Leadership in Arts Management—J. Paul Getty Foundation, 2011.
- PhD. Fellowship—Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation of International Scholarly Exchange, 2004-2005.
- Somerville Senior Scholar in the Arts and Humanities, University of Oxford, 2003-2005.
- Visiting Scholar, East Asian Library, Princeton University, 2003.
- Best B.A. Thesis in Art History, The University of Chicago, 2000