
Chairperson: Professor Tang Xiaobing Max, Dean of Arts
Members: Professor Cheong Wai Ling
  Professor Ho Che Wah
  Professor Tam Wai Lun
  Professor Tang Wai Lan Gladys
Secretary: Ms. May Wong
Under-Secretary: Ms. Mian Kwok


Terms of reference:

  1. To review relevant academic personnel matters, including appointment, contract renewal, substantiation/ conversion to continuous appointment, pay review, advancement, crossing of pay bands, retirement/ extension of service, and make recommendations thereon for consideration by the appropriate authority.
  2. To advise the Vice-Chancellor and/ or his designate on any other matters related thereto as may be referred by them from time to time.


For units without a two-tier structure (e.g. Faculty of Law), the composition will be decided by the Vice-Chancellor having regard to the size of the unit concerned. In special circumstances, the Vice-Chancellor may also appoint an FAPC with a different composition.


The Committee will serve from 1 August 2020 to 31 July 2021.