(I) You may submit your application form to one of our enrolment centres either by post or in person with the following:

  1.  A non-refundable application fee of HK$200 by crossed cheque or bank draft made payable to “The Chinese University of Hong Kong”;
  2. A copy of Hong Kong identity card or relevant identification document;
  3. A copy of certificates and transcripts of all relevant academic qualifications, e.g. AD, HD, HKAL, HKCEE, HKDSE, etc;
  4. Proof of recent English Language proficiency, e.g. IELTS, if any;
  5. A portfolio CD/DVD which includes video, interactive media, motion graphics and animation.

(II) You may apply online.

Note: All of the above documents will need to be verified against the original copies. The verification process can be done at our enrolment centres or during interview, if any. Tuition fees paid are not refundable, except in cases of unsuccessful application and programme cancellation.

What are the application procedures?