活动名称: | 香港初创职业发展日@CUHK 2021 |
主办单位名称: | 研究及知识转移服务处 |
位置: | 香港 |
地点: | 香港中文大学博文苑InnoPort |
日期: | 2021-04-13 - 2021-04-13 |
活动时间: | 11:00 am - 1:00 pm |
內容: |
To encourage entrepreneurship on campus, we are happy to have Erica Yuen, David Siu and Uncle Siu as our guest speakers to share their stories of entrepreneurship and career development insights. If you are interested to join this event in person, please register to reserve your seat by 9 April, Friday. Please note that limited seats will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. OR if you would like to join our event virtually, please also register! In addition, we have invited 17 CUHK enabled startups to post job openings on the website (https://www.hkstartupscareerday.com/startup-job-position). Please check and apply for the positions you are interested by email to the companies. |
报名方法: |
https://www.eventbrite.hk/e/hkstartups-careerday-2021-tickets-143541926767 |
查询电话 / 电邮: |
Stay tuned to HK Startups Career Day official website for more updates! |