張歷君教授將於2016年7月24日出席由香港文學生活館主辦的潘國靈新作《寫托邦與消失咒》對談會。他與詩人洛楓、作者潘國靈就《寫托邦與消失咒》對談,談小說的形式、寫作的世界、多重的悖論、消失的寓意、人物的同體與裂變等,也邀讀者即場交流,共話文學。活動詳情請瀏覽香港生活文學館的臉書及網站https://zh-hk.facebook.com/TheHouseOfHKLiteratureFooTak/ 或http://www.hkliteraturehouse.org/ 。
張歷君教授將於2016年7月24日出席由香港文學生活館主辦的潘國靈新作《寫托邦與消失咒》對談會。他與詩人洛楓、作者潘國靈就《寫托邦與消失咒》對談,談小說的形式、寫作的世界、多重的悖論、消失的寓意、人物的同體與裂變等,也邀讀者即場交流,共話文學。活動詳情請瀏覽香港生活文學館的臉書及網站https://zh-hk.facebook.com/TheHouseOfHKLiteratureFooTak/ 或http://www.hkliteraturehouse.org/ 。
The Centre for Cultural Studies (www.cuhk.edu.hk/crs/ccs) seeks applications for one postdoctoral fellow position. Applicants should have (i) a PhD degree within 5 years of graduation; (ii) research experience in cultural studies or related fields; and (iii) high self-motivation to develop an academic research/teaching career. Duties include (a) self-initiated research and…
國立臺灣大學出版中心剛出版林松輝教授專著《蔡明亮與緩慢電影》。這本書可謂第一本探討緩慢電影概念、並論述當代電影文化中此一現象的著作,不僅從時間性來理解臺灣新電影的美學風格,更希望思考現實生活中對於時間的理解和態度,探索人類於二十一世紀如何生活的可能。詳情請瀏覽:http://www.books.com.tw/products/0010718440 。
Congratulations to Dr. Li Tiecheng on obtaining a teaching award from the Faculty of Arts, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Dr. Li Tiecheng received the Faculty’s Outstanding Teaching Award (2015-16) for his exceptional performance on 9 April 2016. More information of the teaching award can be found at http://www.arts.cuhk.edu.hk/web/en-gb/teaching-and-learning/teaching-awards
文化研究學部博士生高俊傑為《明報》撰文〈中國的香港 香港的中國 大時代裏兩地的文學史書寫〉,報導2016年1月15日舉行的「重寫文學史」座談會,從重寫文學史談開去,談到文學與當下這個時代的關係,也談到中國與香港之間的關係。詳情請瀏覽http://news.mingpao.com/pns/dailynews/web_tc/article/20160219/s00018/1455816709639。
Prof. Lim Song Hwee has been invited to act as a member of the steering committee of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK)-funded International Research Network on “Soft Power, Cinema and the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa). The network will investigate the relationship between non-state actors in…
Call for Abstracts Deadline: 31st January 2016 (Conference) BEYOND THE BIG NINE – RETHINKING THE FUTURE OF SMALL AND MEDIUM PERFORMING ARTS ORGANIZATIONS IN HONG KONG Organized by MA in Cultural Management Programme, Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, Chinese University of Hong Kong; In Collaboration with Centre for Cultural…
Prof. Ho Hing Kay Oscar and Prof. Lim Kok Wai Benny have been invited to speak in an arts management form and masterclass series on “In Between Arts” on 19-20 December at Renmin University of China. Prof. Ho Hing Kay Oscar will present a paper entitled “Art Path & Social…