January 15, 2020 Dialogues in Research: When Pepe the Frog meets Freedom-Hi: Re-appropriation of Symbol and Speech in Protest Movements
September 20, 2019 Dialogues in Research- June Fourth: Fiction and History, Hong Kong and Mainland 研究者對話座談會系列- 六四:小說與大說,香港與中國
February 22, 2019 Dialogues in Research: “Whither Transnationality? Some key questions and debates in Asian Film and Cultural Studies”
April 21, 2017 DIALOGUES IN RESEARCH: Routes, Roots and Rhythms: Research on Ethnicity and Migration in the Southern China Region
March 3, 2017 Dialogues in Research: Social Movement and Representation: Perspectives from Southeast Asia and China
February 25, 2016 Dialogues in Research: New Frontiers in the Humanities: Digital Humanities & Medical Humanities