Cross-Strait Forum on Humanities and Social Sciences

The Cross-Strait Forum on Humanities and Social Science was initially developed by the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Nanjing University (NJU) and Taiwan Central University (NCU) in 2007. In order to fully utilize the inter-disciplinary dialogues in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan to foster academic exchange in humanities and social sciences, CUHK took the initiative to expand the Forum by inviting more member universities and research organizations across the regions. New participating members include Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Peking University, Fudan University, and Taiwan University. The first Forum after expansion was organized by CASS in November 2014. A collaboration agreement among the member institutions was concluded by senior members from the 7 institutions at the opening ceremony.

Please click here for information of 2007-2017 Forums (Chinese Version)
2018 Forum
2019 Forum