Ministry of Education Ten Thousand Student Interflow Programme

To promote exchange and collaboration among Hong Kong and mainland institutions and to enable local students to gain a thorough understanding of mainland China, the Ministry of Education launched the Ten Thousand Student Interflow Programme in 2013, which supports students of CUHK and other local tertiary institutions to participate in various kinds of experiential learning programmes in mainland China.  Such activities may include exchange programmes, short-term courses, thematic studies, internships, research placement, competitions, service-learning programmes, visits and cultural exploration trips.  CUHK is organizing these activities with over 50 mainland institutions under this programme.  Details can be found here (Chinese version, CUHK staff only).

OALC organized a sharing day on this programme in 2014 and 2016, inviting representatives of over 40 mainland institutions to share their experience of organizing such activities, and to meet with our colleagues and students.  Please click below for programme highlights in previous years:



Programme snapshots

