Mainland China and Taiwan Visiting Student Programme

To encourage academic exchange between CUHK and institutes from mainland China and Taiwan, Office of Academic Links (China) [OALC] has launched the Mainland and Taiwan Visiting Student Programme, aiming at providing administrative services for academic units at CUHK and visiting students for conducting research training.  


  • To promote research collaboration and academic exchange between CUHK and the University’s strategic partners in mainland China and Taiwan
  • To enhance academic and cultural exchange between students from CUHK and the University’s strategic partners in mainland China and Taiwan
  • To assist academic units in CUHK to host talented students from mainland China and Taiwan


  1. Incoming students

Applicants must be current full-time undergraduate or postgraduate students, with proficient English level, from CUHK partner institutions in Mainland China and TaiwanThe proposed visit shall be initiated by an academic department of CUHK; or recommended by students’ home institutions with endorsement from CUHK academic units.

  1. Outgoing students

Applicants must be current full-time undergraduate or postgraduate students in CUHK. The proposed visit shall be initiated by the applicant or an academic department of CUHK. The visit shall be paid to CUHK strategic partner institutions in mainland China and Taiwan.

Duration of the Visit

From 30 days to 1 year

Nature of Exchange

Visits under this scheme must be in collaborative nature. Exchange activities may include academic visits, auditing classes, participating in lectures and collaboration on research projects. No credits will be granted upon completion of visit. Visiting students shall not be engaged in any provision of services and/or discharge of professional duties that may be construed as employment .They shall also observe and comply with all applicable laws in Hong Kong.

Services provided for scholars by Office of Academic Links (China)/ Office of Hong Kong Macau and Taiwan Affairs in mainland China/ Office of International Affairs in Taiwan

  • Issuing invitation letter;
  • Applying training visa;
  • Arranging accommodation (either on campus or outside campus);
  • Liaising with host department;
  • Proving arrival guides;
  • Applying certificates for using campus facilities including the Library and Clinic;
  • Arranging orientation to introduce the institution;
  • Providing care and administrative assistance during the period of stay;
  • Issuing Certificate of Recognition upon completion of visit.

Assistance provided for students by academic units 

  • Hosting and coordinating research schedule and activities (eg. faculty visit, research activities and exchange) during the period of stay;
  • Arranging seats for students, if necessary.


For enquiries, please contact us at