The World Philanthropy Forum 2020 Special Symposium
北京大學與香港中文大學共同主辦一流大學建設系列研討會暨中國大學校長聯誼會年會 Peking University and CUHK Co-Host 2020 Forum on Building World Class Universities and Annual Meeting of the Association of University Presidents of China
主禮嘉賓出席第二屆一帶一路及大灣區中醫藥傳承和現代化研習班並致辭 Officiating guests deliver remarks at the 2nd Belt and Road & Greater Bay Area Chinese Medicine Training Programme
暑期學院導師於粵港澳大灣區暑期學院開學禮與同學分享課程大綱 Lecturers of GBASS introduce the course to the students at the opening ceremony of GBASS
主要嘉賓在粵港澳高校聯盟線上年會發言 Major guests speak at the online Annual Meeting of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau University Alliance
中大與清華兩校校長聚首交流未來合作路向 The two university presidents exchange ideas of future collaboration
香港中文大學與北京大學簽署本科雙學位項目合作協議 CUHK Concludes Agreements with PKU on Dual Degree Programme Collaboration
國家教育部部長率團訪問中大 Minister of MOE visits CUHK
香港中文大學與復旦大學開展碩士課程聯合培養合作 CUHK and FDU together launch the Joint Training Scheme for Master’s Programmes
段崇智校長(左)出訪浙江大學,與吳朝暉校長會晤交流 President Tuan (left) visits ZJU to meet with President Wu Zhaohui
香港中文大學與上海交通大學續簽兩校校際學術交流協議 CUHK and SJTU renew University-level Agreement