- Benoit Mayer, The Concept of Climate Migration: Advocacy and its Prospects (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016) 392 pgs.
- Benoit Mayer, ‘La sécurisation du changement climatique comme stratégie politique’ in Nicolas Clinchamps, Christel Cournil, Catherine Colard-Fabregoule and Geetha Ganapathy-Doré (eds), Sécurité et environnement (Bruylant, 2016) 239-258.
- Benoit Mayer, ‘Critical Perspectives on the Identification of ‘Environmental Refugees’ as a Category of Human Rights Concern’ in Dimitra Manou, Andrew Baldwin, Dug Cubie, Anja Mihr and Teresa Thorp (eds), Climate Change, Migration and Human Rights: Law and Policy Perspectives (Routledge, 2017), 28-41.
- Benoit Mayer, ‘Human Rights in the Paris Agreement’ (2016) 6 Climate Law 109-117.
- Benoit Mayer, ‘The Relevance of the No-Harm Principle to Climate Change Law and Politics’ (2016) 19 Asia-Pacific Journal of Environmental Law 79-104.
- Benoît Mayer and Mikko Rajavuori, ‘National Fossil Fuel Companies and Climate Change Mitigation under International Law’ (2016) 44(1) Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce 55-120.
- Benoit Mayer and Mikko Rajavuori, ‘State Ownership and Climate Change Mitigation: Overcoming the Carbon Curse?’ (2017) 11(3) Carbon and Climate Law Review 223-233.
- Benoit Mayer, ‘Protecting Whom, Why, and How? A Sympathetic but Skeptical Glance’ (Paper Presented at The Century of Environmental Refugees? Analysis, Proposals, Policies, Milan, Italy, 24 September 2016).
- Benoit Mayer, ‘Marine Pollution and Dispute Settlement in The Context of The Belt and Road Initiative: From Land Reclamation To Sea-Level Rise’ (Paper presented at The International Conference on “China and the Development of International Dispute Resolution in the Context of the OBOR Construction”, Xi’an, China, 1 November 2016).
- Benoit Mayer, ‘The Work of the UN International Law Commission on the Protection of the Atmosphere’ (Paper presented at Human Rights and Climate Justice in the Light of the Paris Agreement, Marakesh, Morocco, 7-18 November 2016).
- Benoit Mayer, ‘Workshop on Human Rights and Climate Justice in the Light of the Paris Agreement’ (Paper presented at Climate Law and Governance Day, Settat, Morocco, 11 November 2016).
- Benoit Mayer, ‘Changements Climatiques, Migrations Et Consequences Normatives (Climate Change, Migration and Normative Consequences)’ (Paper presented at Colloque Guerre Paix Climat (Symposium on War, Peace and Climate), Marrakesh, Morocco, 12 November 2016).
- Benoit Mayer, ‘Variations Sur Le Theme De La Responsabilité Climatique / Thoughts on the Theme of Climate Responsibilities’ (Paper presented at Climate Law and Governance Specialized Course, Marrakesh, Morocco, 13 November 2016).
- Benoit Mayer, ‘Who is Liable for Climate Impacts? Legal Principles and Cases’ (Paper presented at International Workshop on Compensating for Climate Change Damage, Hong Kong, 17-18 February 2017).
- Benoit Mayer, ‘The International Law on Climate Change: The Sources and their Interactions’ (Paper presented at World Conference on the Environment, Delhi, India, 25-26 March 2017).
- Benoit Mayer, ‘Environmental Justice in the Anthropocene: Can International Law Play a Role?’ (Paper presented at Environmental Justice in the Anthropocene Symposium, Colorado State University, United States of America, 24-25 April 2017).
- Benoit Mayer, ‘Climate Change Efforts, from States to Businesses’ (Paper presented at Symposium on Law & Business of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Taipei, Taipei, 12 May 2017).
- Benoit Mayer, ‘Pollution of the Marine Environment in the South China Sea Arbitration: Just a Footnote?’ (Paper presented at 2017 ILA-ASIL Asia-Pacific Research Forum, The Geopolitics of International Law: Contemporary Challenges for the Asia-Pacific, Taipei, 19-20 May 2017).
- Benoit Mayer, ‘Less-than-full Reparation in International Law’ (2016) 56Indian Journal of International Law463-502.
- Benoit Mayer, ‘Book Review: International Environmental Law and the Global South’ (2016) 6Brill Online Books and Journals373-375.
- Benoit Mayer, ‘Book Review: Rosemary Lyster, Climate Justice and Disaster Law (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge)’ (2017) 19(1)Asia Pacific Journal of EnvironmentalLaw158-161.
- Jasmine Neve, Rachael Diniega, Sumiya Bilegsaikhan and Benoit Mayer, ‘The Changing Climates, Cultures and Choices of Mongolian Nomadic Pastoralists’ (2017) 3(1)Migration, Environment and Climate Change: Policy Brief Series.
- Benoit Mayer, ‘What Has HK Done to Tackle Climate Change’, South China Morning Post (Hong Kong) 12 June 2017, A11.
- ‘Less-than-full Reparation in International Law’ in guest lecture organized by Jindal University, India (2017-03).
- ‘Protecting Whom, Why, and How? A Sympathetic but Skeptical Glance’ in The Century of Environmental Refugees? Analysis, Proposals, Policies organized by EU Parliament, Italy (2016-09).
- ‘Construing the Climate Regime as a Compliance Regime’ in International Conference on Compliance in Environmental Law organized by Research Institute in Environmental Law of Wuhan University, China (2016-09).
- ‘Marine Pollution and Dispute Settlement in the Context of the Belt and Road Initiative: From Land Reclamation to Sea-level Rise’ in International Symposium on China and Development of International dispute Resolution System in the Context of the Belt and Road Construction organized by Xian Jiaotong university, China (2016-10).
- ‘Who is Liable for Climate Impacts? Legal Principles and Cases’ in International Workshop on Compensating for Climate Change Damage organized by Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Hong Kong (2016-11).
- ‘Variations on the Theme of Climate Responsibility’ in Climate Law and Governance Specialized Course organized by Center for International Sustainable Development Law, Morocco (2016-11).
- ‘Changement climatiques, migrations et conséquences normatives (Climate Change, Migration and Normative Consequences)’ in Colloque Guerre et Paix (Colloquium on War and Peace) organized by Corine Lepage (French Politician), Morocco (2016-11).
- ‘Framing Migration in the Loss and Damage Debate’ in Climate Law and Governance Day organized by Center for International Sustainable Development Law, Morocco (2016-11).
- ‘The Work of the UN International Law Commission on the Protection of the Atmosphere’ in Workshop on Human Rights and Climate Justice in the Light of the Paris Agreement organized by International Center for Comparative Environmental Law, Morocco (2016-11).
- ‘The International Law on Climate Change: The Sources and their Interactions’ in World Conference on the Environment organized by National Green Tribunal, India (2017-03).
- ‘Environmental Justice in the Anthropocene: Can International Law Play a Role?’ in Symposium on Environmental Justice in the Anthropocene organized by Colorado State University, United States of America (2017-04).
- ‘Pollution of the Marine Environment in the South China Sea Arbitration: Just a Footnote?’ in The Geopolitics of International Law organized by ILA-ASIL Asia-Pacific Research Forum, Taiwan (2017-05).