BÙI Ngọc Sơn is an Assistant Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law where he teaches and researches on constitutional law, comparative constitutional law, and comparative law. His work includes the monographs Constitutional Change in the Contemporary Socialist World (Oxford University Press 2020) and Confucian Constitutionalism in East Asia (Routledge 2016), and articles published in American Journal of Comparative Law, International Journal of Constitutional Law, Cornell International Law Journal, NYU Journal of International Law and Politics, Illinois Law Review, among others. He was previously a research fellow at the Centre for Asian Legal Studies in the National University of Singapore Faculty of Law. He serves as an editor of the Asian Journal of Comparative Law.
- Ph.D, The University of Hong Kong
- LL.M; LL.B, Vietnam National University-Hanoi.
- Academic Visitor, Melbourne Law School (May 2014)
- Visiting Scholar, Tsinghua Law School (September 2013)
- Visiting Researcher, Harvard Law School (February-May 2012)
- Scholar of Study of the United State Institutes (SUSI), University of Massachusetts Amherst (June-August 2008).
- Constitutional Law
- Comparative Constitutional Law
- Comparative Law
Books (Author)
Books and Journal Special Issues (Editor)
- Pluralist Constitutions in Southeast Asia(Hart Publishing, 2019) (edited with Jaclyn Neo)
- Constitutional Foundings in Southeast Asia(Hart Publishing, 2019) (edited with Kevin Tan)
- ‘Constitution-Making in Asia-Pacific,’ 7 Chinese Journal of Comparative Law (2019) (Oxford University Press) (edited with Maartje de Visser)
- ‘Constitutional Amendment in Southeast Asia,’ 14 Journal of Comparative Law (2019) (edited with Jaclyn Neo)
- ‘Vietnamese and Comparative Constitutional Law’ 11 Asian Journal of Comparative Law (2016) (Cambridge University Press)
- ‘Vertical Law and Development,’ 54 Cornell International Law Journal (forthcoming, 2021)
- ‘Global Constitutionalism: Asia-Pacific Perspectives,’ Global Constitutionalism (forthcoming, 2021)
- ‘Constitutional Amendment and Democracy,’ Minnesota Journal of International Law (forthcoming, 2021)
- ‘China’s Comparative Constitution,’ Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law (forthcoming, 2021)
- ‘You, the People: Cuba’s International Constitution,’ 52 NYU Journal of International Law and Politics 829-874 (2020)
- ‘The Socialist Precedent’, 52 Cornell International Law Journal 421-474(2019) (earlier version selected for the 2018 Stanford International Junior Faculty Forum)
- ‘Constitutional Amendment in Laos’ 17 International Journal of Constitutional Law 756–786 (2019)
- ‘Social Movements and Constitutionalism in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan,’ 14 Asian Journal of Comparative Law 551-575 (2019)
- ‘Expanding the Universe of Comparative Constitutional Amendment in Southeast Asia,’ 14 Journal of Comparative Law 46-55 (2019) (with Jaclyn Neo)
- ‘Contemporary Constitution Making in Asia-Pacific,’ 7 The Chinese Journal of Comparative Law 241–250 (2019) (with Maartje de Visser)
- ‘Glocolized Constitution-Making – Evidence from Asia’, 8 Global Constitutionalism 297-331 (2019) (with Maartje de Visser)
- ‘Law and Development Theory: A Dialogical Engagement’ 51 George Washington International Law Review 65- 103 (2019)
- ‘Economic Constitution in the Developing World’, Law and Development Review (2019)
- ‘Constitutional Mobilization’ 17 (1) Washington University Global Studies Law Review 113-179 (2018)
- ‘Anticolonial Constitutionalism: The Case of Ho Chi Minh,’ 19 Japanese Journal of Political Science 1-25 (2018) (Cambridge University Press)
- ‘The Law of China and Vietnam in Comparative Law,’ 41 Fordham International Law Journal 135-205 (2017)
- ‘Globalization of Constitutional Identity’ 26 (3) Washington International Law Journal 463-533 (2017)
- ‘Activism and Popular Constitutionalism in Contemporary Vietnam,’ 42 (3) Law & Social Inquiry 677-710 (2017) (with Pip Nicholson)
- ‘The Global Origins of Vietnam’s Constitutions: Text in Context’ 2017 (2) University of Illinois Law Review 525-563 (2017)
- ‘Constitutional Mobilization in China,’ International Journal of Law In Context 1-18 (2017) (Cambridge University Press)
- ‘Sun Yat-sen’s Constitutionalism,’ 32 (2) Journal of Constitutional History 157-179 (2017)
- ‘Contextualizing The Global Constitution-Making Process: The Case of Vietnam’ 64 (4) American Journal of Comparative Law 931-979 (2016)
- ‘Recent Work in Asian Constitutional Studies: A Review Essay’ 11 (1) Asian Journal of Comparative Law 163-183 (2016) (Cambridge University Press) (with Andrew J Harding)
- ‘Restoration Constitutionalism and Socialist Asia’ 37 (1) Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Review 67-116 (2015).
- ‘The Discourse of Constitutional Review in Vietnam,’ 9 (2) Journal of Comparative Law 191-221 (2014)
- ‘Beyond Judicial Review: The Proposal of the Constitutional Academy’ 2 (1) Chinese Journal of Comparative Law 43-77 (2013) (Oxford University Press)
- ‘The Confucian Foundations of Ho Chi Minh’s Vision of Government,’ 46 (1) Journal of Oriental Studies 35-59 (2013)
- ‘Confucian Constitutionalism in Imperial Vietnam,’ 8(2) National Taiwan University Law Review 373-435 (2013)
- ‘The Introduction of Constitutionalism in East Asian Confucian Context: The Case of Vietnam in the Early Twentieth Century,’ 7(2) National Taiwan University Law Review 425-465 (2012)
- ‘Confucian Constitutionalism: Classical Foundations’ 37 Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy 61-98 (2012).
Book Chapters
- Politics of Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendment: The Case of Thailand,’In Identity and Change – The Basic Structure in Asian Constitutional Orders (Henning Glaser ed.,Nomos’s CPG Series of Comparative Constitutional Law, Politics and Governance, forthcoming, 2020).
- ‘The Socialist Model of Individual Judicial Powers,’in Towering Judges (Rehan Abeyratne and Iddo Porateds., Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2020)
- ‘The Party-Regimes in Asia,’ in The Oxford Handbook of Constitutional Law In Asia (David Law et al eds., Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2020)
- ‘Legal Regulation of Religion in Vietnam,’ in Regulating Religions in Asia 146-168 (Jaclyn Neo et al eds., Cambridge University Press, 2019)
- ‘Constitutional Foundings in Southeast Asia: A Constitutional-History Perspective,’ in Constitutional Foundings in Southeast Asia 1-10 (Kevin Tan and Bùi Ngọc Sơn eds., Hart Publishing, 2019) (with Kevin Tan).
- ‘Pluralist Constitutions in Southeast Asian Context,’ in Pluralist Constitutions in Southeast Asia 1-24 (Jaclyn Neo and Bùi Ngọc Sơn eds., Hart Publishing, 2019) (with Jaclyn Neo)
- ‘Constitution in Ethnically Plural Societies: Vietnam and Laos,’ in Pluralist Constitutions in Southeast Asia 203-224 (Jaclyn Neo and Bùi Ngọc Sơn eds., Hart Publishing, 2019)
- ‘Why Do Countries Decide Not to Adopt Constitutional Review? The Case of Vietnam,’ in Constitutional Courts in Asia 335-364 (Albert Chen and Andrew Harding eds., Cambridge University Press, 2018).
- ‘Constitutional Dualism: Socialism and Constitutionalism in Vietnam,’ in Socialist Law in Socialist East Asia 164-192 (Fu Hualing et al eds., Cambridge University Press, 2018)
- ‘Legal Education in Twenty-First Century Vietnam: From Imitation to Renovation,’ in Legal Education in Asia: From Imitation To Innovation 276–298 (Andrew Harding et al eds., Brill, 2017)
- ‘Central-Local Relation and the Constitutional Discourse on Political Decentralization in Twenty First Century Vietnam,’ in Central-Local Relations in Asian Constitutional Systems 57-84 (Andrew Harding and Mark Sidel eds., Hart Publishing, 2015).
- ‘Constitutional Developments in Vietnam in the First Decade of the Twenty First Century,’ in Constitutionalism in Asia in the Twenty First Century 194-218 (Albert Chen ed., Cambridge University Press, 2014)