Zhao Yuhong joined the Chinese University of Hong Kong in September 2006. Her teaching and research expertise includes Chinese environmental law, international and comparative environmental law and policy, and the legal system of the PRC. She has published on environmental dispute resolution, environmental impact assessment, cleanup of contaminated land, environment and trade, and biodiversity conservation. Professor Zhao is a member of the United College since 2006.
- BA, LLB (Peking University)
- MSL (Vermont Law School)
- PhD (City University of Hong Kong)
- CUHK Young Researcher Award, 2008/2009
- Environmental Law
- Chinese and Comparative Law
- Chinese Marriage Law
- Responding to the Global Challenge of Climate Change – Hong Kong and “One Country Two Systems”, 5 Carbon and Climate Law Review 70-81 (2011).
- Public Participation in China’s EIA Regime: Rhetoric or Reality?22 Journal of Environmental Law 89-123 (2010).
- Land Contamination in Urban China – Developing a National Cleanup Legal Regime, 39 Hong Kong Law Journal 627-648 (2009).
- Assessing the Environmental Impact of Projects – A Critique of the EIA Legal Regime in China, 49 Natural Resources Journal 485-524 (2009).
- Prevention and Control of Alien Invasive Species – China’s Implementation of the CBD, in Michael Jeffery, Jeremy Firestone and Karen Bubna-Litic, eds. Biodiversity Conservation, Law and Livelihoods: Bridging the North-South Divide, 465-484 (Cambridge University Press, 2008).
- Overcoming “Green Barriers” – China’s First Five Years into the WTO, 41 Journal of World Trade 535-558 (2007).
- Trade and Environment – Challenges after China’s WTO Accession, 32 Columbia Journal of Environmental Law 41-97 (2007).
- Foreign Direct Investment and Environmental Protection: A Review of the Legal Regime in China, 17 Yearbook of International Environmental Law 213-236 (2006).
- The War against Biotic Invasion – A New Challenge of Biodiversity Conservation for China, 24 UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy 459-496 (2006).
- Environmental Dispute Resolution in China, 16 Journal of Environmental Law 157-192 (2004).