For the academic year 2021-2022, places are available in two categories: –
2.1 | If you wish to apply for a place on our PCLL programme, you must do so directly to us. |
2.2 | In your application you will be asked to rank your preferences amongst the 3 PCLL providers. We will only consider applications where CUHK is ranked as the first choice. This will however include applications where you are released by your first choice or where you change your preferences so that CUHK becomes your first choice. |
2.3 | If you wish to change the ranking of your preferences amongst the 3 PCLL providers after you have made your application, you must obtain a written release from your first preference PCLL provider. WARNING: Although you may apply to more than one PCLL provider, you must select only one PCLL provider as your first preference. At the close of the application period, the three PCLL providers will exchange lists of applicants who have made them first preference. If you have made more than one PCLL provider as your first choice, you will be disqualified by all three PCLL providers from this year’s application process. |
3.1 | We will need to see your supporting documents to assess your application. Electronic or photocopies will be sufficient initially. If we make you an offer and you accept it, you will need to submit your originals by the deadline stipulated in the offer letters. Special requirement for the submission of IELTS results: students must submit documentary proof of their IELTS results on or before the first Friday of August 2021, i.e. 6 August 2021, otherwise their applications will not be considered further. No further extension on IELTS submission will be allowed. |
3.2 | When you have completed your on-line application, please submit copies of your supporting documents to us in one of the following ways: |
By email to: By fax to: By post to: | (852) 2994 2505 PCLL Programme |
3.3 | The supporting documents are:
If you possess law-related working experience (not including internships and mini-pupillages) of not less than two years’ continuous duration, you are required to submit the following supporting documents:
Further notes on application documents:
3.4 | Documents which are not in English or Chinese should be accompanied by an official certified translation in either English or Chinese. |
3.5 | Applicants are required to provide true, accurate and complete information in support of their applications. Any misrepresentation in the documents and information provided will result in disqualification of their applications and subsequent enrolments in the University. |
3.6 | Handling of Information
Applications are dealt with by our admissions panel and we make conditional offers at various stages. Those conditions ordinarily relate to one or more of i) the quality of the law qualification, ii) the passing of outstanding Conversion exams and iii) the provision of a compliant IELTS score report. We may make early offers to applicants with outstanding academic merit before the application deadline of 30 April 2021. The bulk of offers is made in June/July.
Many applicants will be in the final year of their law qualification studies and (save for early offerees) we can only make admission decisions on the basis of their academic performance known to the admissions panel as at 30 April 2021. Thus it can happen that a student is not offered a place who achieves a final result which might have qualified for an offer had it been known at the time of consideration of the application. We try to reduce the chances of this happening by placing a number of applicants on a Waiting List and those applicants may be offered places (the decisions will be made in mid or late August 2021) if such are available. Such places may become available if applicants to whom conditional offers have been made fail to satisfy the conditions of those offers. We send rejection letters to those students who are neither made offers nor placed on the Waiting List.