“I would like to attribute the victory to the efforts put into this competition by the team members. Being one of the student coaches, I was impressed by the passion of the team for the law. I have witnessed them invest hundreds of hours into researching the law and mastering their delivery of arguments, far and beyond what was expected from them. I must say the victory fairly reflects their hard work and serves as a well-deserved reward. I would also like to thank the team for bearing with me through the countless practice sessions we had. Needless to say I have learnt a lot from all of them, be it in law or in working together as a team.

I would also like to thank Prof. Hall for his extreme generosity in ceaselessly supporting the team from the start to the very end. Notwithstanding the plentiful work Prof. Hall has to deal with on a daily basis as an extremely proficient and popular Professor at CUHK, he selflessly sacrificed his personal time to answer our concerns and advise us not only in law and advocacy, but also in life. Prof. Hall has guided us regardless of time and place. Without Prof. Hall’s guidance, we certainly could not have come up with many of the arguments the team articulated in court nor could the team have worked as well together as we did. The team’s gratitude towards Prof. Hall is only limited by the words we can fit in here and we could not have asked for anyone better fitted to leading us on this journey.

I must express my deepest gratitude to all of the guest judges who gave constructive and much needed feedback to help build the team:- Prof. Samuli Seppanen, Prof. Benoit Mayer, Mr. Roger Phang, Prof. Christopher Roberts, Mr. Isaac LAM, Ms. Jeniffer TSE, Ms. Janice LI, Ms. Charmaine CHEUNG, Ms. Jenny ZHANG, Mr. Simon SO and Ms. Ellen PANG. Special thanks are due to Prof. Seppanen who was kind enough to assist us in two practice sessions.

Finally, the whole team is thankful to the Faculty of Law for its continuing support of the oldest, largest and best-known mooting competition in the world. We are well aware that it involves a significant deployment of the Faculty’s time and e​ffort, but I can now testify from personal experience that the Faculty’s investment pays outstanding returns in academic and professional reputation and in student development.”