Arthur has taught and practiced law for 10 years. His practice of law focused on Chancery and Commercial law. He has a strong interest in claims involving unjust enrichment and trusts, and is experienced in dealing in claims relating to fiduciary duties, as well as those concerning third party liability.
In addition, he is also very experienced in criminal litigation and is regularly briefed to prosecute as well as defend a wide range of offences.
He currently teaches Unjust Enrichment, Company Law, Evidence, and various litigation-related courses on the PCLL.
- Hon. B.Sc. (University of Toronto)
- J.D. (City University of Hong Kong)
- P.C.LL. (City University of Hong Kong)
- LL.M. (Commercial Law) (University College London)
- STEP Advanced Certificate in Trust Disputes
- Barrister (Hong Kong)
- Reviewing Examiner, PCLL Conversion Exam – Criminal Procedure
- Speaker, ‘The Role of the Law of Unjust Enrichment in Hong Kong’, Conference on The Role of the Law of Unjust Enrichment in Asia, 26 June 2020
- Contract, Restitution, Remedies
- Company and Insolvency
- Civil & Criminal Procedure, Evidence
- International Humanitarian Law
- Contributing Editor, Hong Kong Civil Procedure (White Book) (Sweet & Maxwell, 2016-present)
- Contributing Author, Advocacy and the Litigation Process in Hong Kong(4th edn)(LexisNexis, 2020) (forthcoming)
- Contributing Author, Lexis Practical Guidance – Probate (non-contentious) (LexisNexis, 2020)
- Headnoter, Hong Kong Law Reports and Digest (Sweet & Maxwell, 2015-2018)
- Headnoter, Hong Kong Cases (LexisNexis, 2011-2017)
- Contributing Editor, Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong (LexisNexis)
- Vol 14 Companies and Corporations (2016 Reissue)
- Vol 40 Misrepresentation and Fraud (2015 Reissue)
- Current Service – Binder 1 (2011-2016)
- Contributing Editor, The Annotated Ordinances of Hong Kong (LexisNexis)
- Partnership Ordinance (Cap 38) (2015 Reissue)
- Gambling Ordinance (Cap 148) (2015 Reissue)
- Limitation Ordinance (Cap 347) (2013 Reissue)
- Bills of Sale Ordinance (Cap 20) (2011 Reissue)
- Contributing Author, Atkin’s Court Forms Hong Kong – Landlord & Tenant (LexisNexis, 2013 Original Title)
- Contributing Editor, Butterworths Hong Kong Contract Law Handbook (3rd edn) (LexisNexis, 2013)