Mr. Antonio Mario DA ROZA 羅敬韜先生

Research Student

Working toward PhD in Laws, expected 2023


Futile Litigants In Person: When the Paradigm of Providing Public-funded Lawyers Fail, co-supervised by Professors Kevin CHENG and Rehan ABEYRATNE.


I am interested in access to justice, litigants in person, civil procedure and financial regulation. With my thesis, I hope to examine the conditions of access to civil courts in Hong Kong for persons who represent themselves. The civil litigation system is designed for use by private lawyers, and thus assistance takes two forms: for those eligible, full legal advice and representation is provided; and for those who are not, resources are provided so lay persons step into the shoes of a representing lawyer on their own behalves. The central contention of my proposed thesis is this normative approach to assistance is too narrow, and does not take into account the needs of civil litigants in person engaged in different types of litigation. Existing resources might be more effectively deployed so that more sustainable outcomes for civil LiPs might be secured.


Articles and Papers*

  • Author, Egg-drop container: Hong Kong’s FI(R)O, Hong Kong Lawyer, August. 2017.
  • Co-Author, Deconstructing sponsor prospectus liability, Hong Kong Law Journal, Vol. 1, 2016.
  • Co-Author, Sponsors and prospectus liability: a bridge too far?, AIIFL Working Paper, August 2015.
  • Co-Author, From the Privy Council to the Court of Final Appeal: Changing Conditions for Final Justice in Hong Kong, December 2013.
  • Co-Author, Alternative Dispute Resolution in Financial Markets, Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal, March 2012.
  • Co-Author, Judges and Judging in the CFA – A Statistical Picture, Hong Kong Lawyer, August 2010.
  • Co-Author, Financial Regulation in Hong Kong: Time for a Change, Asian Journal of Comparative Law, May 2010.
  • Author, Objective: Clean Air, Hong Kong Lawyer, November 2009.
  • Co-Author, Regulator Accountability, International Financial Law Review, May 2009.
  • Co-Author, The Civil Justice Reform at a Glance, Hong Kong Lawyer, April 2009.
  • Co-Author, The Global Financial Crisis and the Future of Financial Regulation in Hong Kong, AIIFL Working Paper, February 2009.
  • Author, APCO-101: Review of the Air Pollution Control Ordinance, Civic Exchange, February 2009.
  • Author, Interim Measures in Domestic Arbitration, Asian Dispute Review, January 2008.

    Professional Publications*

    • Author, Financial Institutions (Resolution) Ordinance Commentary & Annotations, July 2017.
    • Author, Securities & Futures Ordinance Commentary & Annotations, October 2015 – Present.
    • Editor, Companies (WUMP) Ordinance Commentary & Annotations, January 2015 – Present.
    • Author, International Securities Regulation – Pacific Rim, November 2014 – Present.
    • Author, New Companies Ordinance: A Visual Guide, July 2014.
    • Author, Amendments & Transitions to Cap 32: A Visual Guide, June 2014.
    • Author, Hong Kong’s Court of Final Appeal, January 2014.
    • Contributor, Archbold Hong Kong, November 2012 – Present.
    • Contributor, Hong Kong Civil Procedure, November 2011 – Present.
    • Editor, Hong Kong Commercial Crimes Handbook, December 2009.
    • Author, Hong Kong Civil Justice Reform Special Supplement, April 2009.
    • Editor, Hong Kong Banking Law looseleaf, September 2008 – March 2009.
    • Author, Hong Kong Securities Handbook, September 2008 – November 2013.
    • Editor, Securities Law in Hong Kong & the PRC looseleaf, September 2008 – March 2013.
    • Presenter, Financial Institutions (Resolution) Ordinance, Law Society of Hong Kong, September 2017.
    • Organiser, International Maritime Law Arbitration Moot, Murdoch University and University of Hong Kong, July 2014.
    • Presenter, Cross-straits Harmonization symposium, University of Hong Kong, May 2014.
    • Speaker, Hong Kong’s securities regulation, HKICPA, Sep. 2012.
    • Moderator, First Decade of the Court of Final Appeal, University of Hong Kong, Mar. 2010.
    • Speaker, Review of Air Pollution Control Ordinance, Civic Exchange, Mar. 2009.
    • Panellist, The Air We Breathe Conference, Civic Exchange, Jan. 2009.
    • Presenter, 兩岸經貿合作研討會, Zhejiang University, Oct. 2008.
    • Scholarship, Middle Temple Advocacy Course (London), February 2005.
    • Master of Laws, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2007.
    • PCLL, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2003.
    • Bachelor of Laws, King’s College London, United Kingdom, 2002.

    * Student will provide full list of publications on request