CUHK LAW provides, by way of career support for its students, a programme which involves seminars, individual meetings, workshops and social activities, through which students will learn about a variety of careers in law and other fields.

As part of that programme each of our undergraduate students is also paired with a “Distinguished Professional Mentor” who is available to them during their last three years of study at CUHK LAW.

These mentors are drawn from the legal community in Hong Kong, including the judiciary, solicitors and barristers, the government and businesses and other commercial and non-governmental institutions. All undergraduate students are first introduced to their mentors at a special reception in the student’s second year of study and thereafter the initiative is designed to give them the opportunity to obtain practical guidance on issues associated with a future legal career and to help ease them into professional life.


Each of our undergraduate students is also paired with an Academic Advisor who is a designated member of CUHK LAW. Academic Advisors advise students on all aspects of academic development and each student meets with their academic advisor at least once a term. Our academic advisors take their responsibility seriously and students should feel confident that they can approach them for help if they have any questions or issues they want to discuss such as choice of elective courses, examination results and academic progress.