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Archived Event

Visit to the Sustainability Gallery (Cancelled)

CUHK Event, Sustainable Consumption, Organic Farming | 23 November 2019

This event has been cancelled.  Other ‘CU Green Buddies’ activities will be held in 2020.  Stay tuned.


The Sustainability Gallery (S Gallery) opened in 2018 at Hong Kong Baptist University.  It is the first education centre in the theme of ‘Biological Resources and Farming’ in Hong Kong.  S Gallery furnishes with multi-interactive media such as 4D and augmented reality (AR) to present the concept of biological resources, organic agriculture and sustainable consumption.

We will organize a visit to the S Gallery on Saturday morning, 23 November 2019.  Participants will learn about the indigenous bioresource, the role of organic agriculture on biodiversity conservation and how ecosystems, biodiversity and climate change correlate with each other.

Visit Details

Date: Saturday, 23 November 2019

Time: 10:00am–11:30am

Location: 12/F, Chan Wu Wan Kwai SCE Tower, Hong Kong Baptist University

Language of a guided tour: Cantonese

Fee: Free of Charge

Meeting time and point: will be announced in a confirmation email


1. You are welcome to bring your friends and / or family members to join; and

2. Participants must be aged five or above.

Please click here to register. 

Places are limited.  Priority will be given to those who have registered as CU Green Buddies.  A confirmation email will be sent to the successful registrants one week before the visit. 

Registration deadline: Monday, 11 November 2019

參觀可持續資源館 (費用全免)


我們將於11月23日 (星期六)早上組團參觀可持續資源館,讓參加者深入了解本地農業生物資源、有機農業如何保護生物資源及氣候改變如何影響生態系統及生物多樣性。


日期: 2019年11月23日(星期六)

時間: 早上10時正至11時半

地點: 香港浸會大學陳瑞槐夫人胡尹桂女士持續教育大樓12樓

導賞團語言: 廣東話

費用: 免費

集合地點及時間: 將於確認電郵公佈


1. 歡迎攜同朋友及 / 或家屬一起參加;及

2. 參加者必須年滿5歲或以上。



截止日期: 2019年11月11日(星期一)

Visit to the Sustainability Gallery (Cancelled)


23 November 2019

This event has been cancelled.  Other ‘CU Green Buddies’ activities will be held in 2020.  Stay tuned.


The Sustainability Gallery (S Gallery) opened in 2018 at Hong Kong Baptist University.  It is the first education centre in the theme of ‘Biological Resources and Farming’ in Hong Kong.  S Gallery furnishes with multi-interactive media such as 4D and augmented reality (AR) to present the concept of biological resources, organic agriculture and sustainable consumption.

We will organize a visit to the S Gallery on Saturday morning, 23 November 2019.  Participants will learn about the indigenous bioresource, the role of organic agriculture on biodiversity conservation and how ecosystems, biodiversity and climate change correlate with each other.

Visit Details

Date: Saturday, 23 November 2019

Time: 10:00am–11:30am

Location: 12/F, Chan Wu Wan Kwai SCE Tower, Hong Kong Baptist University

Language of a guided tour: Cantonese

Fee: Free of Charge

Meeting time and point: will be announced in a confirmation email


1. You are welcome to bring your friends and / or family members to join; and

2. Participants must be aged five or above.

Please click here to register. 

Places are limited.  Priority will be given to those who have registered as CU Green Buddies.  A confirmation email will be sent to the successful registrants one week before the visit. 

Registration deadline: Monday, 11 November 2019

參觀可持續資源館 (費用全免)


我們將於11月23日 (星期六)早上組團參觀可持續資源館,讓參加者深入了解本地農業生物資源、有機農業如何保護生物資源及氣候改變如何影響生態系統及生物多樣性。


日期: 2019年11月23日(星期六)

時間: 早上10時正至11時半

地點: 香港浸會大學陳瑞槐夫人胡尹桂女士持續教育大樓12樓

導賞團語言: 廣東話

費用: 免費

集合地點及時間: 將於確認電郵公佈


1. 歡迎攜同朋友及 / 或家屬一起參加;及

2. 參加者必須年滿5歲或以上。



截止日期: 2019年11月11日(星期一)

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