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Archived Event

8th IWA-ASPIRE Conference and Exhibition

Conference | 31 October 2019

31 October – 2 November 2019

Organizer: The International Water Association (IWA), IWA Regional Committee of Hong Kong, China (IWA HK), and Asia Pacific Regional Group (ASPIRE)

The IWA-ASPIRE 2019 will be held on 31 October to 2 November 2019 in the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, located at the heart of the city centre with excellent meeting and convention facilities.  The main theme of the Conference is “Smart Solutions for Water Resilience”.  The 3-day conference and exhibition will feature keynote addresses by internationally renowned water industry leaders and researchers who will share the latest best practices and recent advances in research and development on various water issues related to smart cities.  Water professionals worldwide are invited to submit and present their latest findings in parallel sessions centered on specific themes related to broad areas of water supply, wastewater engineering and sustainable storm water management.   The biennial conference aims to foster links between R&D, practice and policy, and will feature plenary keynotes, keynote sessions, parallel sessions, water leaders forum, water regulators forum, workshops, technical visits and networking events offering various excellent opportunities for academics, professionals, officers, and business people to develop collaborative networks and business linkages. 

For details, please click: https://www.iwaaspire2019.org/programme-at-a-glance.html

8th IWA-ASPIRE Conference and Exhibition

31 October 2019

31 October – 2 November 2019

Organizer: The International Water Association (IWA), IWA Regional Committee of Hong Kong, China (IWA HK), and Asia Pacific Regional Group (ASPIRE)

The IWA-ASPIRE 2019 will be held on 31 October to 2 November 2019 in the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, located at the heart of the city centre with excellent meeting and convention facilities.  The main theme of the Conference is “Smart Solutions for Water Resilience”.  The 3-day conference and exhibition will feature keynote addresses by internationally renowned water industry leaders and researchers who will share the latest best practices and recent advances in research and development on various water issues related to smart cities.  Water professionals worldwide are invited to submit and present their latest findings in parallel sessions centered on specific themes related to broad areas of water supply, wastewater engineering and sustainable storm water management.   The biennial conference aims to foster links between R&D, practice and policy, and will feature plenary keynotes, keynote sessions, parallel sessions, water leaders forum, water regulators forum, workshops, technical visits and networking events offering various excellent opportunities for academics, professionals, officers, and business people to develop collaborative networks and business linkages. 

For details, please click: https://www.iwaaspire2019.org/programme-at-a-glance.html

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