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The University commits itself to promoting positive work culture and staff wellness.

The Human Resources Office remains steadfast to support the University’s initiatives for positive workplace, i.e. a workplace in which members of staff embrace the core values of ‘positive communication’, ‘teamwork relationship’, ‘mutual trust and respect’, ‘work safety’ and ‘continuous learning’ and enjoy positive employee experience.

Apart from the HR Office, Colleges and Offices of different functional services are contributing to staff wellness, from health protection and promotion, organizing cultural programmes, providing sport and recreational facilities, to maintaining a green and sustainable campus. Family-friendly initiatives and measures are also in place to support colleagues’ major life events and family responsibilities.

Positive Workplace and Staff Development Initiative

office worker   Positive Workplace Culture

Click Here to watch an animated slideshow on the University’s Positive Workplace and Staff Development (PWSD) initiative and its two pillars of ‘Positive Performance Management (PPM)’ and ‘Workplace Courtesy and Civility’ (WCC).  

Click Here to watch a video sharing positive employee experience working in CUHK.

knowledge   Staff Learning and Development

The University is committed to enabling staff members’ learning and development.

Click Here to learn more about the leave provisions and support for staff training and development (for staff access only).

Leave provisions
  • Academic leave / Sabbatical leave
  • Training leave
Learning & development opportunities
  • In-house training
  • External development opportunities
  • Conference grant
  • Reimbursement of training expenses 
Staff Wellness

View the following album on seminars/talks on staff well-being and family-friendly activities arranged by the HR Office, Colleges and Offices of other functional services:

To obtain information on Employee Assistance Programme.   Read More

To learn more about medical benefits and facilities to staff and family from Academic Staff Handbook and Staff Handbook (Terms of Service) and/or slide show.   Read More




To learn more about the University’s Chinese Medicine clinics.

To explore campus sport and recreational facilities.

To explore cultural and recreational facilities on campus.   Read More

Women and Family-friendliness

To learn more about the Task Force on Women and Family-Friendly Policies and its initiatives.  Read More

Read the following sections of the Academic Staff Handbook and Staff Handbook (Terms of Service) to learn more about the family-friendly leave(s). (Staff Login required)   Read More

To learn more about our breastfeeding-friendly workplace.  Read More

Diversity and Inclusion

To learn more about the University's Diversity and Inclusion Policy.  Read More