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Professoriate / Teaching / Research Academic Posts

admin professional post 1
Prof. Dennis Lo
Department of Chemical Pathology

"The University has been very supportive. I need a lot of cutting edge molecular biology technologies, and so during my time here, I have been able to build a number of laboratories, which can actually support those works."

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Photo courtesy of Information Services Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

admin professional post 1
Prof. Gabriel Lau
Department of Geography and Resource Management

"I interact a lot with various sectors of the university community, including different departments, different faculties and different colleges."

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Photo courtesy of Information Services Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Administrative & Professional Posts

admin professional post 1
Miss Chung Siu Mui, Ribble
Manager, Sir Run Run Shaw Hall

"It's through exposure to the arts, the appreciation of it and the participation in it that students gradually shape their values, and learn about beauty and benevolence."

Reprinted from No.427, CUHK Newsletter. Photo courtesy of Information Services Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Research Posts

admin professional post 1
Research Team@School of Life Sciences

"What you see today is built upon the work of several generations of students." - Professor Jiang Liwen

Photo courtesy of Information Services Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Executive, Clerical, Secretarial, Technical and Junior Posts

admin professional post 1
Mr. Woo Ka Fai
Senior Technician, Department of Chemistry

"The extensive degree of freedom here allows me to make vivid attempts."

Photo courtesy of Information Services Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

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