Institute of Ageing - About Institute of Ageing


Development of age-friendly environments is one of the strategic objectives in WHO's Global Strategy and Action Plan on Ageing and Health. An initiative to achieve this is to support and create platforms for sharing the diverse voices of older people and improve awareness on the value of experience and knowledge from living and working with different generations, ages and socio-economic backgrounds.

In Hong Kong, ageing population is associated with diversifying profile of older people in terms of their years of living, socio-economic status, educational level, as well as their aspirations to participate in the community. It calls for changes in different sectors in the society such as planning and infrastructure in the communities, business products and service for older people as well as research directions to understand the wellbeing of elders. Participation by older people is vital in the process and successful outcomes.



The Institute has established the Network of Ageing Well for All (NAWA) to foster older people in building an age-friendly Hong Kong. Similar to the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), it serves as a platform for older people from all strata to create social impact for betterment of the community so that their voice can be heard.

Be Engaged

To maintain elder’s active role in lifelong learning.

3 Scents Reading Club

Gathering for book-lovers, readers and authors to share their favourite topics and writers in a relaxed, friendly environment.
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NAWA Summer Camp at CUHK

Through participating in different seminars and visits, the participants had experienced cultural and campus environment of CUHK.


Be Empowered

To empower elders to express their needs with a strong voice

End-of-life Care Workshop

Formed by a group of NAWA members who are enthusiastic in end-of-life care issues, they learned and discussed related issues and formed a voluntary group to promote life and death education in the community.
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Fire Safety Workshop

Through the sharing of a retired fireman on fire safety, the participants’ awareness on home safety had been improved. It also helped achieve ageing in place.


To Contribute

To help build age-friendliness in their living communities

Gerontechnology Platform

NAWA members provided comments and suggestions to make the products or services developed by startup companies better suit elders’ need.
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Focus Group in Ageing in Place

Initiated by NAWA members, they investigated home safety issues together and consolidated their findings into practical information.


ALL are welcome to join the NAWA free-of-charge:

  • Individual who has an interest on ageing issues
  • Retired or soon-to-retire older people
  • NGOs and social enterprises related to elderly service
  • Business organizations related to older people


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