The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Chapter 1     The Institution

1.1     History
1.2     Mission, Vision and Strategic Planning
1.3     Organizational Structure

Chapter 2     Curriculum Structure and an Overview of the Quality Assurance Structure

2.1     The "Outcomes-Based Approach"
2.2     Curriculum Structure
2.3     QA Structures
2.4     Major Documents on QA

Chapter 3     Programme Development, Approval, Planning and Design

3.1     Programme Development and Approval
3.2     Programme and Course Planning: Details
3.3     Programme and Course Documentation
3.4     Policy Documents

Chapter 4     Programme and Course Management

4.1     Programme Management
4.2     Course Documentation and Templates
4.3     Course and Programme Revision
4.4     Management of Courses not Taught by the Host Department
4.5     Management of Off-campus Learning

Chapter 5     Assessment of Student Learning

5.1     Assessment of Taught Programmes
5.2     Honours Classification for Ug Programmes
5.3     Assessment of Pg Programmes
5.4     Academic Probation
5.5     Monitoring Research Progress
5.6     Honesty in Academic Work
5.7     Procedures for Handling Student Disciplinary Cases

Chapter 6     Programme Reviews and External Visiting Committee Exercises

6.1     Overview
6.2     Visiting Committee Exercises
6.3     Internal Programme Reviews

Chapter 7     Student Feedback

7.1     Student Feedback Systems: An Overview
7.2     Early Feedback Collection System
7.3     Course and Teaching Evaluation
7.4     Data Collection on Ug Student Learning Experience
7.5     Exit Surveys for RPg and TPg Students
7.6     Staff-student Interactions

Chapter 8     Grievances, Appeals and Ethics

8.1     Student Grievances and Complaints
8.2     Appeals against Academic Results
8.3     Ethics

Chapter 9     Academic Advising and Support, and Learning Resources

9.1     Academic Advisory System
9.2     Improving Postgraduate Learning Programme
9.3     Independent Learning Centre
9.4     The Chinese University of Hong Kong Library
9.5     Student Information System and Learning Management System

Chapter 10     Non-formal Learning Activities

10.1     Ug Student Development Portfolio
10.2     Guidelines for Monitoring, Supporting and Organizing Student Activities
10.3     Other Forms of Support

Chapter 11     Learning Activities at Colleges

11.1     Overview
11.2     Formal Learning Activities and Academic Support
11.3     Non-formal Learning
11.4     Pastoral Care

Chapter 12     Student Exchange Opportunities

12.1     Overview
12.2     Ug Exchange Opportunities
12.3     Support for Incoming Students
12.4     Graduate Exchange Opportunities
12.5     Monitoring Quality

Chapter 13     Teacher Support and Development

13.1     The Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research (CLEAR)
13.2     Professional Development and Training
13.3     Pedagogical Support
13.4     Grants in Support of T&L
13.5     Recognition of Excellent Teaching

List of Appendices
Responsible Offices for the Appendices
List of Abbreviations and Acronyms