To: Students of the following Taught Postgraduate Programmes –
Master of Accountancy,
Master of Science in Business Analytics,
Master of Science in Finance,
Master of Science in Information and Technology Management,
Master of Science in Management,
Master of Science in Marketing,
Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Accountancy
From: Graduate School Office
The course add/drop exercise for 2020-21, Term 3 will start from 10:00 am on 8 March 2021 and end at 5:30 pm on 22 March 2021. If you wish to amend your choice of courses for the said term, please login to the MyCUHK Portal at during the above specified period.
You may wish to check your tentative course enrollment information in anticipation of the add/drop exercise. The relevant guide “Course Selection in CUSIS” is available at
Request to add/drop courses that are outside your Graduate Division/Programme prescribed study scheme should be submitted via Form CS-1. Completed forms on the approval of the teachers/Graduate Divisions must reach the Graduate School by 22 March 2021 at the latest.
Please note that Programmes may amend students’ course enrolment after add/drop period having regard to the condition of the students, so please do check your Final Course Register for Term 3 for the eventual course selection records which will be posted at 5:30pm on 7 April 2021 for students’ reference.
Assessment type and delivery mode of courses in 2020-21, Term 3 are now available in CUSIS. The mode of teaching (including assessment), i.e. online or face-to-face or mixed in the case of teaching mode, will be subject to change as announced by individual teachers/Departments/Graduate Divisions or the University, depending on the latest development of COVID-19.