RGC General Research Fund and Early Career Scheme 2020/21 received by Engineering Faculty Members
Principal Investigator | Project Title | Amount (HK$) | |
Prof. AHN Dohyun | Multivariate Stress Testing of Financial Networks for Systemic Risk Management | 529,972 | |
Prof. AU Kwok-wai, Samuel | Safe and effective robotic debridement and drilling with adjustable force sensing anchoring system and hierarchical virtual fixture control for confined space bone work | 873,995 | |
Prof. BIAN Liming | Engineering the biomimetic structural and mechanical heterogeneity of cell-adaptable nanocomposite hydrogels for biomedical applications | 1,185,400 | |
Prof. BOGDANOV Andrej | Pseudorandomness and Property Testing for Real Computation | 677,226 | |
Prof. CHAN Chun-kit, Calvin | Digital Chaotic Encryption Schemes for Secure Optical Multi-carrier Systems | 501,957 | |
Prof. CHEN Benmei | Intelligent Navigation and Robust Flight Control Systems for Unmanned Systems | 873,995 | |
Prof. CHEN Chun | Enhancing the performance of electrospun nanofiber filters by structure optimization and their application in buildings for effective indoor PM2.5 control | 873,995 | |
Prof. CHEN He | Enabling Ultrareliable Low-latency Wireless Communications for Industrial IoT: A Noncoherent Multiuser Massive MIMO Framework | 845,055 | |
Prof. CHEN Lian-kuan | On the Investigation and Optimization of Underwater and Air-water Optical Wireless Communication to Combat Bubble and Wave Effects | 704,212 | |
Prof. CHEN Nan | Probability density expansion of multivariate jump-diffusion processes and its applications in finance | 873,995 | |
Prof. CHEN Shih-chi | High throughput nano-patterning based on temporal focusing and laser induced periodic surface structuring | 614,675 | |
Prof. CHENG Kwok-Keung, Michael | Self- Linearizing Techniques for Advanced Design of High-Efficiency Doherty Microwave Power Amplifier | 602,349 | |
Prof. CHOI Chung-hang, Jonathan | Systemic delivery of microRNA for reducing atherosclerosis via RNA-coated nanoparticles | 666,512 | |
Prof. FU Chi-Wing | Learn to compute fabricable, steady, and functional 3D object assemblies | 845,055 | |
Prof. GAO Xuefeng | Multi-Armed Bandit Problems with Regime-Switching Rewards | 775,200 | |
Prof. GAO Zhaoli | Rapid and Sensitive Detection of Tumor-Derived Exosomal MicroRNAs Using Gapped Bilayer Graphene Field-Effect Biosensors | 776,432 | |
Prof. HE Xuedong | Study of Two Time-Inconsistent Asset Pricing Problems | 614,675 | |
Prof. HENG Pheng-Ann | Learning for visions with adverse weather and illumination via unlabeled data | 845,055 | |
Prof. HO Ho-pui, Aaron | 2-dimensional Label-free Biosensor Arrays based on Digital Micromirror Device (DMD)-enabled Quantitative Phase-imaging of Surface Plasmon Resonance | 602,349 | |
Prof. HO Yi Ping | All-Optical Manipulation of Droplet Microfluidics Enabled by Fluorinated Gold Nanoparticles | 873,995 | |
Prof. HUANG Jie | Adaptive distributed observer for uncertain leader systems and its applications | 873,995 | |
Prof. LAM Wai | Knowledge-Guided Text Response Generation for Information-Seeking User Utterances from Heterogeneous Information Sources | 602,349 | |
Prof. LEE Tan | Objective assessment of physical competence and wellness based on voice and speech analytics | 602,349 | |
Prof. LEUNG Ho-fung | Formal Modelling of the Dynamics of Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning: a Mean Field Theoretic Approach | 704,212 | |
Prof. LI Lingfei | Data-Driven Deep Learning Methods for Financial Engineering | 701,160 | |
Prof. LIU Xunying | Deep Learning Architectures for Automatic Recognition of Dysarthric Speech | 845,055 | |
Prof. LIU Yun-hui | Control of a Robot Manipulator on a Floating Base Hung from Top of a High-rise Building by Ropes | 873,995 | |
Prof. LU Yi-Chun | Developing Low-Cost, Eco-Friendly and High-Voltage Aqueous Electrolytes for High-Energy and Sustainable Aqueous Batteries Applications | 666,512 | |
Prof. LUI John C.S. | Reinforcement Learning Approach to Community Exploration in Network Science Problems: Theory and applications | 602,349 | |
Prof. LYU Rung-tsong, Michael | Log-based Anomaly Detection and Fault Localization in Cloud Computing | 602,349 | |
Prof. MENG Qing-Hu, Max | Development of a State-of-the-art Augmented-reality Surgical Navigation System for Minimally Invasive Surgery | 1,174,506 | |
Prof. NAIR Chandra | Sub-additivity of Information-theoretic Functionals | 599,861 | |
Prof. REN Wei | A novel optical gas sensor with all-fiber dual-comb spectroscopy | 614,675 | |
Prof. SHU Ching-tat, Chester | Optimum design of probabilistic shaping under the practical constraints of advanced optical transmission systems | 1,057,394 | |
Prof. SO Man Cho, Anthony | Design and Analysis of First-Order Methods for Wasserstein Distributionally Robust Risk Minimization in Machine Learning | 614,675 | |
Prof. TAO Yufei | Massively Parallel Multiway Join Algorithms: From Theory to Practice | 845,055 | |
Prof. TSANG Hon-ki | Multimode Waveguide Grating Couplers | 845,055 | |
Prof. WAI Hoi To | Multiple Structure Factor Analysis with Applications to Multi-Graph Learning | 776,432 | |
Prof. WU Ke-li | Reconfiguration of Filter Circuit Model for Computer-Aided Tuning of Microwave Filters Based on Homotopy Continuation | 563,370 | |
Prof. XING Guoliang | HomeSense: A Pervasive System for Home Activity Recognition via Federated Learning | 845,055 | |
Prof. XU Huifu | Multi-attribute Utility Preference Robust Optimization and Robust Spectral Risk Optimization | 1,155,000 | |
Prof. XU Qiang | Towards Lightweight Fault-Tolerance for Deep Neural Networks Used in Safety-Critical Systems | 845,055 | |
Prof. XU Yunjian | Stochastic deadline scheduling for large-scale electric vehicle charging with renewable generation and energy storage | 873,995 | |
Prof. YANG Ming-Chang | Quality of Storage: Co-optimizing Performance Throughput and I/O Determinism for Multi-Tenant System with High-Density Solid-State Drive | 845,055 | |
Prof. YIP Yuk-Lap, Kevin | Investigating the functional significance of three-dimensional structures of topologically associating domains | 1,195,542 | |
Prof. YOUNG Fung Yu | Physical Synthesis of Large Structural Networks on Multiple FPGAs | 845,055 | |
Prof. YU Bei | NetGCN: Large Scale Graph Convolutional Network on Circuit Netlists | 1,057,394 | |
Prof. YU Xu, Jeffrey | Incremental Graph Computing | 1,057,394 | |
Prof. YUAN Haidong | Control-enhanced quantum hypothesis testing | 599,861 | |
Prof. YUAN Wu, Scott | Deep learning-assisted theranostic OCT microneedle for deep-seated brain cancer detection and laser ablation in vivo | 726,432 | |
Prof. ZHANG Kehuan | On the Security of Hidden Functionalities in the Context of IoT and Mobile Computing | 680,908 | |
Prof. ZHANG Yingjun, Angela | Cascaded Channel Estimation in Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS)-Assisted Massive MIMO System | 736,896 | |
Prof. ZHAO Changhong | Optimizing Multiphase Power Flow via Exact Convex Relaxation and Distributed Feedback Design | 783,196 | |
Prof. ZHAO Ni | Fundamental Study and System Development of Organic Heterojunction Phototransistors for Functional Near-infrared Spectroscopy | 845,055 | |
Prof. ZI Yunlong | Multi-Scale Studies of the In-Situ Discharge Behaviors in Triboelectric Nanogenerators | 839,640 | |