
Engineering: Bright prospects for students, Betterment for society

Engineering is the art of applying scientific and mathematical principles in real life to invent and develop technologies that benefit mankind. Our rigorous programmes provide students with a strong foundation in mathematics and science; and at the same time cultivate their creativity, analytical and critical thinking skills. One of our missions is to nurture scientific research professionals who could contribute to society with their engineering skills.

Engineers have been playing an important role in society by speeding up its development with their professional skills applied in all walks of life. Engineers made the transportation of people and goods easy and convenient by inventing cars and planes; engineers enabled the dissemination of information to all corners of the world by inventing computers and optical fibres; engineers also accelerated medical progress by developing different kinds of medical equipment such as MRI scanners and minimal invasive surgery equipment. The list of inventions is endless. Engineering students can develop their specializations in different fields according to their interests; and enjoy the fun and satisfaction of engineering by expanding the list of inventions.

In the 21st century, engineers will face even greater challenges as the world develops and new technologies emerge. Our Faculty of Engineering strives to evolve and improve itself to take up these new challenges and meet the changing societal needs. Besides strengthening our core competencies in information communication technologies, mechanical automation, microelectronics and photonics, we will also develop six new focus areas in the near future:

  1.  Biomedical Engineering
  2.  Environment and Energy Technology
  3.  Cyber Security and Big Data Analytics
  4.  Robotics
  5.  Financial Engineering & Service Engineering
  6.  Nanotechnology
  7.  Design and Manufacturing

With the training in these new areas, we hope to train more excellent professionals that our society are in need of.

Engineering is a much sough-after profession in many countries, including the US, the UK and China. One of the reasons is that the professional skills learnt in engineering can be applied in many different fields and engineering graduates are welcome by all sorts of employers. More importantly, the useful knowledge of Mathematics and Science will serve you lifelong. In addition to taking engineering courses, students in CUHK can also take advantage of the comprehensive courses that the University offers. We encourage our students to take electives, such as humanities and philosophy which broaden their views and also better equip them for their future careers.

Engineering education equips us with the foundation of scientific knowledge, enables us to apply our creativity and intellect to solve problems in new ways. We hope our students will work hard to become an engineer with deep and broad knowledge; and also prepare themselves to commit to the advancement of society.