《校長報告書》 1978–82
——; (Fung, S.C.; and Lam, D.M.K.). "Postnatal development of dopaminergic neurons in the rabbit retina." Journal of Neurosciences, (1981 ), pp. 1117-1132. ——; (Arnold, K.; Guo, X.B.; Jiang, J.B.; and Li, G.Q.). "Antimalarial activity of Mefloquine and Qinghaosu." The Lancet, II (1982)。 ——: → 047,063, 242, 247, 248, 249 & 250. Lee, Cheuk-yu 李卓予 ——; (Chung, D.; Li, C.H.; and Yamashiro, D.). "Isolation, characterisation and synthesis of a corticotropin-inhibiting peptide from human pituitary glands." In Proceedings of National Academic Science (U.S.A.). 75 (1978). ——; (Licko, Vojtech; McPherson, Margaret; and Ramachandran, J.). "Pituitary conticotropin-inhibiting peptide: properties and use in study of corticotropin action." Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 201 (1980). ——: → 045, 048, 049, 050, 051, 052, 053, 054, 055, 056, 057, 058, 059, 060, 061, 062, 234 & 235. Ng, Tze-bun 吳子斌 ——︰ → 046. Tsang,DavidS . C . 曾守焯 —— . "Opiates affect noradrenergic receptor activity in rat cerebral cortex and hypothalamus." (Abstract) In Proceedings of the 1st Research Conference of The Hong Kong Biochemical Association, 1980. ——. "Interaction between noradrenergic and opiate receptors in rat cerebral cortex and hypothalamus." In Proceedings of the Hong Kong Society of Neuroscience, 2 (1980). ——. "Heterogeneity of methionine enkaphalin and naloxone binding site s in regions of rat brain - A developmental study." In Proceedings of the Hong Kong Society of Neuroscience, 3:52 (1981). —— . "Developmental differences of methionine enkephalin and naloxone binding sites in regions of rat brain." In Advances in Endogeneous and Exogenous Opioids, edited by H.Tagaki and E.J. Simon, pp. 6-63. New York: Elsevier , 1982. —— and (Ho, K.P.). "Effect of chronic opiate addiction on monoamine oxidase activity in regions of rat brain." In Proceedings of the Hong Kong Society of Neuroscience, 1 (1979). —— and (Ng, S.C.). "The ontogenesis of methionine enkephalin and naloxone binding sites in rat brain." In Proceedings of the Hong Kong Society of Neuroscience, 1 (1979). —— and (Ng, S.C.). "Development of radioimmunoassayble β -endorphi nand methionine enkephalin binding sites in regions of rat brain." Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 58 (1980). ——; (Finlayson, M.H.; and Lai, S.). "Effect of TRH on cyclic AMP formation in human pineal gland homogenates ." Brain Research, 188 (1980). —— and (Ng, S.C.). "Effect of antenatal exposure to opiates on the development of opiate receptors in rat brain." Brain Research, 188 (1980). —— and (Ho, K.P.). "Ontogenesis of multiple forms of MAO in rat brain and liver." In Proceedings of the Hong Kong Society of Neuroscience, 2(1980). —— and (Chau, C.W.). "Effect of methadone on neurotransmitter uptake in synaptosomes." In Proceedings of the Hong Kong Society of Neuroscience, 3:13 (1981). ——; (Ho, K.P.; and Ng, S.C.). "Development of methionine enkephalin and naloxone binding sites in regions of rat brain." Brain Research, 3 (1982). ——︰ → 052, 053, 068, 165, 230, 234 & 235. Tso, Wung-wai 曹宏威 ——:《生物工程學》,《留日學友會年刊》,6(1980)。 ——:《「四人幫」倒台後的中國科技發展》,《四人幫後的中國》(鄭宇碩編),頁224-241,香港:天地圖書有限公司,1981。 ——. "Sensory transduction in primitive organism: A possible short-cut pathway." In Proceedings of the Hong Kong Society of Neuroscience, 1 (1979). ——. "A consideration of possible side group convalent bond formation in protein: renaturation versus biosynthesis." In Proceedings of The 1st Research Conference of The Hong Kong Biochemical Association, 1980. ——. "A noval approach to cell immobilization with filamentous Escherichiacoli. "Biotechnology Letters, 2 (1980). ——. "Applications of environmental biochemistry to the benefit o f the society." JUAS Annuals, 5 (1980). (in Chinese) ——. " Molecular sensory biochemistry: responsiveness of a giant microbe. " (Abstract) In Proceedings of the Hong Kong Society ofNeuroscience, 2 (1980). ——. "Response of spermatozoa to gossypol, a male contraceptive ." (Abstract) I n Proceedings of the 2nd Pan American Congress of Andrology, 1980. ——. "An example to illustrate the use of Escherichia coli as a model system to study the mode of action of a Chinese herb." Acta Microbiologica Sinica, 21 (1981). ——. "Antifertility gossypol exerts its action on rat testis ." (Abstract) In Proceedings of the 3rd FAOB Symposium, 23 (1981). ——. "Bacterial organisms suitable for filamentous cell immobilization." Biotechnology Letters, 3(1981 ), pp.421-424. —— . "The science of cottonseed oil contraception." United College Bulletin, 37 (1981), pp. 3-4. (in Chinese) 97
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