Newsletter No. 55
CUHK NEWSLETTER My Roots Are Here Dr. Wong Yau-chuen, Department of Mathematics I was brough t up i n a Chinese educatio n system an d have a deep affectio n for the Chines e society . S o althoug h opportunities to teach abroad had occurred many times over the years , I felt myself spellboun d b y Th e Chines e University an d stayed . It is very gratifyin g to see students maste r mathematical principle s an d lear n how to dea l with th e world . Bu t i n lookin g back , I somehow hav e th e feelin g tha t th e pas t i s superior t o th e presen t i n man y ways. (Translation) This photo was taken during Prof. C. N. Yang's first visit to Hong Kong, in 1964. I was third from left; first was Mr. S. K. Fong, deputy president of United College, and Mr. M. C. Lee was first on the right. The Joyof Teaching Mr. Hsu Dan-lin, Department of Finance My sense of belonging to The Chinese University ca n certainly b e explaine d b y th e fac t tha t I wa s a studen t a t Chung Chi . I als o fin d tha t teachin g suit s m y personalit y well, an d s o it has been my caree r fo r over 20 years. I n the past 1 0 years o r s o the Facult y o f Business Administratio n has become much more research-oriented than before, and I am gla d tha t I hav e als o mad e som e headwa y i n my ow n research. Ther e i s grea t jo y i n seein g student s gro w an d develop into fine businessmen and knowing that they are putting wha t the y learn t a t university t o goo d use . (Translation) The Ideal Working Environment Mr. Y. B. Leung, Social Science Faculty Office 1 The Chines e Universit y campu s provide s th e I best working environment for all of us. My work has imposed n o pressure o n me durin g the past 26 year s of services, and I have enjoyed the pleasure of having lunch wit h colleague s o f differen t unit s i n variou s canteens o n campus o r in the nearby restaurants, ove r which w e cha t abou t differen t topics . Th e mos t memorable even t i n thes e years , however , too k place on 12t h December 1991 , whe n my younges t so n Kan - yan receive d hi s bachelor' s degre e i n busines s administration a t the University's 43rd Congregation. The photo on the right was taken with my wife, my elder daughter , and my son on campus to commemorate th e occasion . NO.55 JUNE1994 9
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