Bulletin Supplement Jun 1964
(c) make such University appointments as it deems proper; (d) have power to approve the fees charged by the Colleges in respect of approved courses of study. Composition of the Senate. 16. (1) The Senate shall consist of-- (a) the Vice-Chancellor who shall be Chairman ; (b) the Presidents or, where applicable, the Acting Presidents of the Colleges ; (c) one Vice-President from each of the Colleges; (d) the Professors ; (e) the Directors of University Studies who are not Professors; ( f ) six members who shall be Readers, Senior Lecturers or Recognized Lecturers but not Directors of University Studies and who shall be elected two from each College by the Readers, Senior Lecturers and Lecturers within such College; (g) the Librarian or, where applicable, the Acting Librarian. (2) Membership of the Senate shall be for such period as may be prescribed by the Statutes. Committees generally. 17. (1) The Council shall establish a Finance Committee and the Council and the Senate may establish such other committees as they think fit. (2) Unless otherwise expressly provided, any committee may consist partly of persons who are not members of the Council or the Senate, as the case may be. (3) Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance and the Statutes, the Council and the Senate respectively may, subject to any conditions they may think proper to impose, delegate any of their powers and duties to any Board or committee or to any Board of Studies or to any Officer or Director of University Studies. (4) Any committee established under this section may make such Standing Orders including provision allowing a casting vote to the chairman thereof for the conduct of meetings as it thinks fit. Appo i n t ed Teachers, Directors of University Studies and Recognized Lecturers. 18. (1) The Appointed Teachers shall be the Professors , the Readers and the Senior Lecturers. (2) One of the Appointed Teachers shall be designated by the Council in consultation with the Senate in respect of each academic subject as Director of University Studies in that subject. (3) A person who is teaching in a College, but who is not an Appointed Teacher, may be designated in the manner prescribed by the Statutes a Recognized Lecturer. Faculties, etc. 19. (1) There shall be a Faculty of Arts, a Faculty of Science and such other Faculties as may be prescribed by the Statutes. (2) The Council, on the recommendation of the Senate, may form such institutes for the promotion of study and learning as the Council may from time to time determine. (3) The Senate may establish such Boards of Studies as it may from time to time determine. 6
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