The Salzburg Academy on Media and Global Change programme is scheduled to take place in Salzburg in Austria during 2019 summer. This is a three-week programme organised by Salzburg Global Seminar. Students from around the world gather to discuss and analyze global issues. For more details, please take a look at the programme leaflet and programme website

A sharing session will be held by students who participated in the programme in the previous years on 10 January 2019. All students are welcomed to attend and learn more about the programme.

Sharing Session

Date & Time: 10 January 2019 (Thursday), 1.30-2.15pm
Venue: Room 520, Sino Building

Programme Details

Topic: The Cost of Disbelief: Fracturing Societies and the Erosion of Trust
Abstract: Politicians take advantage of the information architecture to position people against one another. The result is a fracturing of belief, where truths have splintered and trust has eroded. Our digital media environments are at the center of this fracturing. Our social and civic cohesion is at risk!
Date: July 16 to August 2, 2019
Eligibility: Undergraduate and Postgraduate students, Faculty of Social Science
Programme Fee: $12,000 including the programme fee, accommodation and meals  (a maximum of $11,000 airfare can be reimbursed)
Application Deadline: 18 Jan 2019 (Friday)

