第八部 • 教職員名錄 666 榮譽教授 Martin, Robyn Marie, BA, LLB, MURP(Adel.); 榮譽客座教授 Redmond, Paul Murray, BA, LLM(Syd.); 榮譽客座教授 名譽教學人員 Choongh, Satnam Singh, LLB(Warw.); DPhil(Oxon); FinalPractCert for the Bar of Eng & Wales; Qualified Lawyers Transfer Exam; 兼任教授 Gaylord, Mark S., BS(C. Mich.); MA(Wayne State); PhD(Missouri); MASA; MASC; 富布賴特訪問學人 專業顧問 Barrington, Louise Irene, BA(York, Canada); LLB(Tor.); LLM(Paris II); Barrister & Solicitor, Ontario; Licensed Attorney, New York; FCIArb; Solicitor, Eng & Wales; Accredited Mediator〔 新亞 〕 Carver, Anne Rosamunde, BA, MA(Cantab); Solicitor, Supreme Court of Judicature of Eng & Wales; Attorney, High Court of Lesotho; Attorney, High Court of Botswana; Solicitor, Supreme Court of Hong Kong〔 聯合 〕 Rhodes, Peter Frederick, LLB(Auck.); LLM(Alta.); LLM(Harv.); Barrister & Solicitor, High Court of New Zealand; Barrister & Solicitor, Saskatchewan, Canda 〔 崇基 〕 許學峰, 法律學學士及法律學深造證書(城大); 法學碩士(港大); Solicitor, High Court of Hong Kong; Solicitor, Supreme Court of Eng & Wales; Member, Standing Committee on Compliance of the Law Society of Hong Kong; Member, Advisory Group on Share Capital, Distribution of Profit and Assets and Charge Provisions, Rewrite of Companies Ordinance〔 逸夫 〕 霍陸美珍, BA(Law)(Kent); Solicitor, Eng & Wales; Solicitor, Hong Kong〔 崇基 〕 羅德慧, 法學士及法學專業證書(港大); 法學士(北大); 法學碩士(城大)〔 崇基 〕 研究人員 蔡㞢雲, 法律學學士(城大); 法學專業證書及法學碩士(港大); 訪問學人 籌劃處處長 英龍彩珠, 文學碩士及法學碩士(城大); MIL; MIHRM 院務處副主任 張敏詩, 工商管理學士(中大); LLB(Lond.) 黃裕萍, 理學士(港大); 管理學理學碩士(理大); 專業會計學深造證書(城大)
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