《校長報告書》 1985–87
—. "Radcliffe-Brown in China." Anthropology Today, 3:2(1987). — : → 288. Hsieh, Jiann 謝 劍 —:《雲南撒梅族的社會和文化變遷( 1949 - 80 ) :對人口結構和家庭制度的一些觀察》,《現代化與中國大化研討會彙編》,頁 85 - 98 ,香港中文大學社會科學院及社會研究所, 1985。 — : 《昆明東 郊的撒梅族》,香港︰中文大學出版社, 1987。 —:《論當代中國家庭制度的改變及其影響》,《知識分子》(紐約), 1987 ,頁頁115-122 。 —:《昆明撒梅人社會化過初步研究》,《中央民族學院學報》, 3 ( 1 9 8 7 ),頁1 - 8。 — :" Anold bottle with a new brew: A study on the Hakka association in urban situation." Human Organization: Journal of the Society for Applied Anthropology (U.S.A.), 44:2(1985); Sociological Abstructs, 1985. — . "China's nationalities policy: Its developmen t and problems." Anthropos (West Germany), 80(1985), pp. 1-20. — : → 2 8 8. T a p p ,Nicholas C.T. — . "China: A pandora's box?" Anthropology Today, 2:2(1986.4), pp. 10-12. —. "Buddhism and the Hmong: A case study in social adjustment." Journal of Developing Societies (The Netherlands), 2:1/2(1986.6), pp. 68-88. —.The Hmong of Thailand. London: The Anti-Slavery Society, 1986. — . "Geomancy as an aspect of upland-lowland relationships." In The Hmong in Transition, edited by Glenn L. Hendricks, Bruce T. Downing and Amos S. Deinard, pp. 87-97. New York: Centre for Migration Studies of New York Inc. and the Southeast Asian Refugee Studies Project of the University of Minnesota, 1986. Zee, Yun-yang 徐雲揚 —:《梅窩經濟社會的變化》,《新亞學術集刊(6)——中國人類學研究專號》(喬健、謝劍、徐雲揚編),頁181-200,1986。 —: → 2 8 8. 系内同寅合著 Co-authored Publication (Intra-department) 288 Chiao, Chien; Hsieh, Jiann; and Zee, Yun-yang, ed . New Asia Academic Bulletin (6) — Special Issue on Anthropological Studies of China, 1986. 經濟學系 Department of Economics Chou, Win-lin 周文林 —: 《香港電力尖峯需求的計量分析 》, 《香 港之發展經驗》(邢慕寰、金耀基編),頁1 29-142,香港︰中文大學出版社,1985。 Ho, Lok-sang 何濼生 — . "Coming to grips with water pollution in Hong Kong." Green Productivity, 1985.10, pp. 13-15. — . "Whither China's foreign exchange controls?" Working Paper of the Centre for Contemporary Asian Studies of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1986.4. — . "The Hong Kong economy: A 1985 review." In Hong Kong Society: A Reader, edited by Alex Y.H. Kwan and David K.K. Chan, pp. 45-69. Hong Kong: Writers' and Publishers' Cooperative, 1986. — . "On electronic road pricing and traffic management in Hong Kong." Hong Kong Economic Papers, 17(1986). Ho, Yin-ping 賀賢平 — . "Hong Kong's trade and industry: Changing patterns and prospects." In Hong Kong in Transition, edited by Joseph Y.S. Cheng. Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 1986. Hsueh, Tien-tung 薛天棟 一:《數量經濟學》,華中工學院出版社,1986。 —:《宏觀經濟的調節與控制》,國家體改委經濟體制改革研究班,1986。 — and (Woo, T.O.) "The political economy of the heavy industry sector i n the People's Republic of China." The Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs, 15(1986.1), pp. 57-82. — and (Woo, T.O.) "Transformation of the people's commune: A search for optimal development pattern." In Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Asia Studies, Vol. 1, pp. 185-200. Hong Kong: Asian Research Service, 1986. 141
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