《校長報告書》 1978–82
——. "The future of television in the lives of children." Viewpoints in Teaching & Learning, 55:4 (1979). ——. "The concept of prestige in education ." The Chinese University Education Journal, 8:1 (1980.6). ——. "The need for reciprocity between business and higher education." The Chinese University Education Journal, 8:1 (1980.6). ——. "Social application and moral significance of science education." Hong Kong Science Teachers Journal, 9:2 (1981.12), pp. 121-125. ——. "Goals, method and research: Major issues in contemporary education." Engineering and Science Magazine, 1:5 (1981 ), pp. 51-54. ——. "The complete act of reflective thinking." Southeast Asian Journal of Educational Studies, 16:1-2 (1981). —— and (Knowles, Richard T .):《民主主義の敎育指導——經驗主義カワソセメリの原理》(再版)(河野顯譯),東京:高陵社 書店,1979。 —— et al. The University of Michigan-Hampton Institute Cooperative Research Report, edited by Wilbert McKeachie and Betty Morrison, Ann Arbar: The University of Michigan, 1980. —— et al. The Handbook on the Placement of Foreign Graduate Students. U.S.A.: Natural Association of Foreign Student Affairs, 1981. Wu, Joseph S. 吳森 ——:《評本港中學文理分組敎育——兼論中國文化的本質》,《諸聖先導》,135 ( 1981.7 )。 ——. "Scientific dogmatism and cultural skepticism." The Chinese University Education Journal, 9:1 (1981.6). Wu, Kin-bing 鄔健冰 ——. "The dynamics of Central Asia n Empires." Orientations Magazine, 1981.8, pp. 51-54. Yam, Leo P.K. 任伯江 ——. "Bilingual culture & communication ." Jovian Toesl Magazine, 9 (1981.11). ——. "A study on Chinese family communication." The Chinese University Education Journal, 9:2 (1981.12). ——. "Mass communication: A brief view and some recommendation for Hong Kong situation." Radio Television Hong Kong Special Issue, 1982.5. (in Chinese) Yau, Betty Lai 游黎麗玲 ——:《卡克夫的基本輔助技巧模式》,《香港中文大學敎育學報》,9 : 1 ( 1981.6)。 ——:《香港中小學的輔導服務》,《明報月刊》,8 ( 1981 ),頁3 5 —38。 ——. "Grouping of pupils in secondary school ." The Chinese University Education Journal, 1 (1979.3 ), pp. 103-108. ——. "The use of rational-emotive therapy i n counselling." The Chinese University Education Journal, 8:1 (1980.6). ——. "The use of behavioral counsellin g in secondary school in Hong Kong." The Chinese University Education Journal, 8:2 (1980.12). ——. "The development of counselling facilities in schools in Hong Kong ."《香港敎育透視》 1982.4, pp. 123-134. —— et al. Social Attitudes and the Teaching of Geography. Educators' Social Action Council, Pamphlet No. 5 (1978). —— et al. Counselling Services in Hong Kong: A Survey, 1977. Educators' Social Action Council, Pamphlet No. 6 (1979). —— et al. Counselling and Counsellors in Hong Kong: A Survey, 1980. Educators' Social Action Council, Pamphlet No. 7 (1980). —— : → 220 & 222. Yu, Nai-Wing 余廼永 ——:《香港粤語的陰平調及變調的演變規律與歷史性質》,《浸會學院學報》,6 ( 1979 ),頁43 — 62。 ——:《互註校正宋本廣韵》,台北:聯貫出版社,1980。 —— :《由隋唐反切求現代粤音之方法》,香港大學中英語文學硏社,1980,頁67 — 73。 ——:《兩周金文音系考》,台北:聯貫出版社,1980。 ——:《訓詁學的回溯與前瞻》,《浸會學院學報》,7( 1980 ) ,頁57— 61。 ——:《中古三等韵重紐之上古音來源及音變規律》,《香港中文大學中國文化研究所學報》,13 ( 1982 ),頁71 — 110。 ——:《儒家倫常學說之形成與實踐方法》,《香港中文大學敎育學報》,10 : 1 ( 1982 ) ,頁51 — 56。 院内同寅合著 Co-authored Publications (Intra-school) 220 陳若敏、游黎麗玲:《中學生輔導個案選集》,香港:商務印書館,1979.4。 221 劉誠、蕭炳基:《香港幼稚園學生的漢字聯想模式》,《中國語文之心理學硏究——文鶴語文研究叢刊》(高尙仁、鄭昭明合編), 頁 103 —121,1982。 222 Chan, Benjamin Y.; Hinton, Arthur; and Yau, Betty Lai. "Comparison of Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination results of students from tw o different language streams." The Chinese University Education Journal, 1979.3. 144
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